Argh... Greyscale.

Argh... Frustration.

My first map I created went great. 1000 x 800 it was... it was easy, it was fun, and it looked great.

This new map is thwarting me at every turn. Okay I didn't actually solve my big slash problem from before... I just redrew the whole continent several more times until it didn't happen.

Now however... it is turning all my colors into a greyscale. It did it last night, turned all the land into various shades of grey and I had to select the sheets one at a time and set back to my colors that I had defined. Then tonight when I fire up CC3 all my stuff is grey again! I even saved it under a different filename after I fixed it last night. Can anyone tell me what is going on with that? As my map gets more details it's really going to be a pain to fix the colors constantly.


  • Wait wait... When I originally created the drawing I selected SS1 Hand. Is that why it is turning it greyscale?
  • Well that wasn't it... I changed the style in the drawing properties and it's still doing it.

    Could it be that I'm defining my own custom colors?
  • Okay... sorry for all the multiple posts. But it does have something to do with me custom picking colors. When I pick one of the standard colors they save fine. But when I pick any of my custom colors they all change to grey when I save the file and reopen.
  • Okay... I brought you the problem... Now I bring you the solution.

    You have you save your custom pallete in the colors. And each time you restart, you need to go in and load that custom pallete.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    You can permanently attach your custom palette to the map so you don't have to load it each time. After you customize a palette (or in your case load your custom palette you already created to the drawing as you discovered above), go to File -> Drawing Properties on the main menu, and in the Drawing Presets dialog box that opens, select the Attach to Drawing button. Then Save your FCW map file and the custom palette will always be attached when you open that file now.
  • Thanks! That will be very helpful.
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