Artist Maps and adding details

I'm sure it's been covered before, and if so please forgive me as time is short at the moment, but I have an artist drawn map in .jpeg form that I would like to import to my CC3 and add details to. Could someone point me in the right direction as to how to do that? I have the ultimate tome of mapping, but can't seem to find the directions for this, but I might be missing it entirely.

Thank you in advance!


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    i have two tuorials that show how to import a map. You will have to convert from jpg to either bmp or png. I use the free Irfanview, a very good program.

    Large map to small map, a different method than the one in the books, no trimming

    Joining maps, so the edges, roads, rivers, etc. match.

    Basically, you determine the miles/kilometers wide and tall the map is. If a standard template isn't the same size, use the overland map wizard to create a template.

    Sorry, I'm not going into details covered by the web pages, but I've been rather ill this morning. Something I ate Friday doesn't like me.

    But those two tutorial pages should be all the info you need, maybe this tutorial would be useful to: Fractal Terrains to CC3 map very basic instructions

    I wrote them for CC2, but they still work for importing a graphic onto a layer all its own and tracing over it in CC3.
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