Style change


Is ist possible to make a map in a specific style and then simply change the style?

And second: Is it possible to make a regional map out of a big world map by simply copy and paste?

Thanks in advance for your answers...

bye droddl


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    If you mean things like terrain and changing trees. I have done so.

    Basically, I imported the original map into CC3, with the template I made with bitmap fills. I substituted the bitmap fills for the color polygon contours. Then added the CC3 overland symbols, and deleted the old symbols.

    more detail: load the new template, insert old map. Move old map over to the border frame using 0,0 for both lower left corners, and using Origin to make sure the lower left corner really is the map origin. Then change the color polygons for the contours, to bitmap fills.

    And for the world to region map, my method is detailed on my web site and linked in these forums. The other method is to save the world map part as the regional map. You do a save as rectangular bmp, or rectangular jpg, or rectangular png. Import that png nito a template and trace over the smaller region.
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