No Object Catalog

First of all, I am a really new user of CC3 and I really love it so far... But now I've done something (don't know exactly what) and my objects do not show next to my map...

I'm gonna explain... Normally next to the map, to the right, there is an object catalog in which I can pick an object, put it on the map, etc... e.g. houses in the city maker.
Above this catalog are two small buttons and above that one bigger. I pushed the bigger, some options for objects appeared, and I changed the size (I think) of the objects (could be scale???) and now the whole row of objects has disappeared, only the scroller is visible. Not even the buttons are visible...

How do I fix this? I looked through the menu, but can't find the option to change the scale again...

Greetz and tnx for any help...


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