Massive installation order

Hello everyone,

I know this has been discussed many times in the past, so I'll be clear: I read all resources I was able to find that were related to this matter, and none of them covered my entire installation plan, that's why I'm posting this.
If I missed a post or something where my situation was covered, feel free to point it out, but first make sure it cover the installation of all the software I have.

I own all v3 products from ProFantasy (only v3; so: no CC2, no Dioramas, no Perspectives, no SS3, no FT/FTPro, no SMs/WWII IA) and am in the process of getting AD&D Core Rules 2.0 + Expansion (CR2 from now on) as well as the Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas (FRIA from now on).
From reading the ProFantasy Installation Order website (Installation Page from now on, located at and after doing some research on launch dates, here's the installation order I was able to come up with, along with: questions that need clarification during the process and other questions.

*If you have all these products and successfully installed these and all of them are running just fine, please confirm if my procedure is ok and feel free to point out anything I may have missed or planned incorrectly.
*An official answer from ProFantasy would be great, and it could also mean an updated Installation page.
*I will be trying this (as well as any suggestion I get) as soon as I get the products I'm missing, but in the mean time I thought it would be good to ask. I'll share my experience once completed.

Installation order (based on Installation Page instructions and common sense based on release dates):
1-Install CR2 + Campaign Mapper into its own separate folder.
[question] should I run it before proceeding with the next steps?
2-Download and install the CM Patch.
[question] should I run it before proceeding with the next steps?
3-Install CC3+update+add-ons+re-apply update
[question] should I install the update and add-ons at this point? or after step 7 as outlined in the Installation Page?
[question] should I run it before and/or after applying add-ons and patches?
4-Install FRIA, start it, then exit.
5-Install FRIA patches.
[question] I have all 3 FRIA patches. Do I have to install all three? Or does the 3rd one include the previous ones? (according to the Installation Page I have to install all 3; according to the FR Atlas Updates website - I just have to install the 3rd one)
[question] should I run it before and/or after applying the patches?
6-Clear read-only attribute from FRIA maps folder.
[question] shouldn't this be done prior to patching? or do(es) the patch(es) apply the read-only attribute?
7-reboot computer
8-Optional: move the Campaign Mapper symbol catalogs to the CC3 symbols folder and uninstall Campaign Mapper
Note: I'm planning to keep Campaign Mapper. Should I COPY the symbol catalogs to the CC3 symbols folder in order to be able to use these?
9-Quoting the installation order website: "FRIA installs its symbol catalogs into CC2 Pro provided you have followed the above CC2 Pro instructions." Does this also apply to CC3?

Other Questions:
-Is the order ok? Has anyone tried it? Does it make sense?
-Does it matter at which point I install the CR2 patches? Do these modify CM in any way?
-Should I install the FRIA Symbols for CC3 from before or after applying the FRIA Patches? If after, should it be at a specific step?

Thanks in advance!


  • edited February 2011
    -Does it matter at which point I install the CR2 patches? Do these modify CM in any way?
    I just want to make sure that you are aware that there are patches for CM as well as for CR2. These are two separate programs even though they are bundled together. (CM can be run from within CR2 as well as on its own.)

    Do you have both the CR2 and the CR2 Expansion? The CR2 expansion patches CR2. The patches for the expansion can be found HERE

    The patch for CM is available HERE

    There is also a Yahoo group for CR2 that is still active (though not busy) that can help with any questions you might have. It is HERE
  • pool7pool7 Traveler
    Thanks for the reply.

    Yes, I was already aware these are 2 separate programs and that there are patches for both CR2 and CM. I have all patches needed (for CR2, CR2X and CM). I just wasn't sure if maybe the CR2 or CR2X patches did something to CM (though unlikely).
    I'll check the Y! Group; I'm subscribed to 2 of them, although one is purely spam and the other one I haven't heard in a while... maybe it's one of these.
  • 13 days later
  • pool7pool7 Traveler
    ProFantasy Team,

    Has this installation ever been tried by you in your "lab"?
    (regardless of your answer to the previous question:) Can you provide an answer to questions in steps 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 as well as the last 2 Other Questions?


    PS: Hopefully I'll try this installation soon; as promised I'll provide feedback on how it goes.
  • Simon RogersSimon Rogers Administrator, ProFantasy Traveler
    It's been a while since I've had some of these programs on my PC. I'll answer what I can.

    You only have to install the last FRIA patch. I don't think the files are read-only, but if you've applied previous patches they might be. There is no harm in doing it in any case.

    Should I COPY the symbol catalogs to the CC3 symbols folder in order to be able to use these
    Yes. They aren't CC3-friendly, though. They won't go on the correct sheet for example.

    "FRIA installs its symbol catalogs into CC2 Pro provided you have followed the above CC2 Pro instructions.
    No, you need to install the CC3 Symbols for the FRIA you mention.
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