New mapper, new map, multiple floors

I am mapping a block of buildings in a city using DD3. When opening the map I set up the two below ground levels and seven above ground. Finished level one and am trying to move on to level two. Here are the sticking points I am running up against:

1. I am unable to copy between floors (maps). Every time I copy something on the level 1 map and choose do it when I move over and make the level 2 map window the active window and choose paste it loads a huge long string of text I copied when I was working on a word doc a couple of days ago.

2. None of the settings I changed on the floor 1 map propagated to any of the other maps (sheet settings, layers, grid settings) and I will be danged if I can find a way to copy any of that over ... assuming it wouldn't just stick some copied text in there instead of the information from the other map ... *sigh*

I am fairly certain I can just save the floor 1 map as the floor two map, delete everything except the outline and street names, and go from there. My intuition says that would work .... but it was also happy with the idea of copying and pasting so I figured I would see if some of the folks who actually know what is going on could point out the error of my ways, point me in the right direction, and send my toddling off.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    1. Did you remember to select the clipboard origin after selecting do it? The copy command doesn't copy anything to the clipboard until you do. This is the most common origin for this behavior. Remember that a command isn't finished when you select "Do It", always watch the command line.

    2. When you create a multi-floor map, each floor is it's own map file. this means that nothing you do on one of them will carry over to the others. However, entities retain their Layer and Sheet when copied over, creating these if they did not already exist in the map. Note that if the sheet had to be created, CC3 wouldn't know where in the sheet order it should be, so you would have to enter the sheets and effects box to move it up/down to the appropriate position.

    As for the save map1 as map 2, delete then do work.. This does work nicely as well, and if you have done a lot of work with the map of the type adding sheets/layers, customizing effects and adding fill styles, this may also be a good approach. If you have only added a few sheets/layers, then letting CC3 create the floors and copy relevant stuff over is probably the best. Note that if you do the save as, delete entities, make map route, you will need to manually add/adjust the hyperlinks to the other floors.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I have created the base map, and done a save as for the other levels.

    So, stret01, then save as below01, then save as below 2, save as floor02, save as floor03, etc.

    Then I edit each one, doing a save as often.

    Before I edit below01, for example, I save as below01 as below01_001 and edit that one. I then save as often. below01_001, then save as below01_002, etc. until done.

    Why so many copies ?

    I make mistakes. With this method I can back up to an earlier map, or branch off from an earleir map and choose a different mapping style.

    I also do it because I typically make more mistakes, map change ideas, than undo can handle.
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