X,Y,Z Coordinates

Hello all. I just picked up the Cosmos Bundle the other day and I must say, I am having a blast creating maps with Cosmographer 3.

But I do have a couple of questions I hope can get answered here. :-)

1. Is ther any way to lock the X,Y,Z coordinates to just one object? The reason I ask is I am trying to recreate our stellar Neighborhood with the Isometric square template, but every time I place Sol, it is 0,0,0. B ut when I place Proxima it then becomes the new default 0,0,0. So, is there a way to lock 0,0,0 to Sol and not have it wander?

2. I am running a post apoc web game and I wanted to use your fine software to help me create some good maps. So my question is, has anyone created any sort of post apoc symbols for the overland or City Builder add on? Also, is there any post apoc symbols for the DD3 add on? Personally, I think this is one area that has not been provided for in any sort of mapping software.

Attached is my first attempt at a Cosmo Map. Since I could not get the X,Y,Z coords to lock I went the flat map cartesian method for now. The coords in the pic are in parsecs. :-)

Cheers, Þórr


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼 18 images Mapmaker
    I'm not certain what you mean by "lock the X,Y,Z coordinates to just one object". The isometric templates usually use the height indicator symbols to depict the z coordinate like in the attached image. What functions/symbols are you trying to use?
  • Ralf, sorry if I was not clear enough. It is not the Z axis so much as the X and Y axes that I was wondering about. Let's use your pic as an example.

    Say Hello has the following Coordinates: 0,0,+2.3. Then when you place World it will have the following Coords of 0,0,-2.6.

    What I was wondering is there a way to lock the x and y axis on the first star placed so that, using your example, World would now have the Coords of: 2.1,4.9,-2.6.

    All subsequent placed stars would use the very first star as the point of origin and their position calculated from that, instead of becoming the new point of origin.

    Where I am getting the X,Y,Z coords are from the upper lefthand box, where it tells you them.

    I hope I was a bit clearer in this post. :-)

    Cheers, Þórr
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    edited January 2011
    Coordinates are locked at the map's Origin. Make sure you have the coordinates box set to the right mode to see absolute coordinates and not relative coordinates, or the coordinates will appear to "move" as you describe.
    You can change the mode of the coordinate display by clicking on it. It has four modes:
    - Absolute Coordinates (T: 0,0) - These are absolute cooridnates in CC3's coordinate system
    - Relative Coordinates (@T: 0,0) - These are relative to the last point you placed
    - Angular Coordinates (<T: 0°,0) - These are relative to the last point you placed, showing angle and distance
    - None

    Note that the Origin of the map can be moved by using View -> Move Origin. You can use this to move the Origin to the position of your central star.
  • Monsen, that did it! I was looking at the Relative Coordinates! Thanks very much bud! :-)

    Cheers, Þórr
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