Dungeon Designer 3 Help

I've just started trying to use DD3, and well so far I am greatly unimpressed. Here's some basic stuff I am trying to do but just can't figure it out.

#1. I want to create a custom map, but with the gridlines running through it like the pre-defined maps. How do I do that?

#2. When using a predefined map, I want to make terrain first, and then a floor plan on top. First I put in a water background. (At least I think I did.. I couldn't find a way to change the dirt background... but I did manage to fill in the background with water through the Default Terrain selection. Next when I used the Default Terrain selection I drew in a sandy beach on half the map. Problem! The beach appears over top of the grid! When I hit save... the beach disappears completely.

How can I get a water background, with a beach, with gridlines over top of the whole works? The video tutorials don't help with this!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    #1 - In the new Drawing Wizard, in the last step, just check the "Grid Overlay" checkbox, and optionally, hit the "Grid settings" button afterwards to configure it.
    Or. If you already have the map, just use the "Draw -> Hex or Square Overlay..." menu to add a grid

    #2 - You set the desired background in the last step of the new drawing wizard, same step where you can add the grid.
    When you draw a new entity, it is not unusual that it draws in top of everything else. Just do a redraw afterwards to see how it looks.
    The reason it disappeared on save is because the map was then redrawn, and probably the beach ended up below the water in the sheet order. The dungeon maps are not really set up to use the terrain tools on them, so when using these tools, they add new sheets when needed, but these sheets appear at the top of the drawing order. If you are going to use these tools, you need to enter the sheet dialog, and rearrange your sheets to an order that suits your needs. After using the draw tools you mention, you probably now have a land and a sea sheet near or at the bottom of the list. Move these closer to the top of the list, right below the "backround" sheet. The Sea sheet should be first, then the land sheet (The sheets at the top gets drawn first, and thus ends up below the other sheets in the order, the bottom sheet in the list gets drawn last, thus appearing over everything else). Note that you may have other sheets that need moving, any sheets that appear below the map border and cartouches sheets are sheets added by a draw tool that needs to be moved to the correct place in the list. Note that this only happens when you use drawing tools not designed for the type of map you are trying to make, like overland drawing tools on a dungeon map. It is no problem using them, but you may need to do some manual work like in this case for nonstandard maps.
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