use clouds from Terraformer as overlay ?
🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
Well, I did figure out how to use the cloud maps a foreground image on my world all maps using html div...
How do I make the areas that aren't clouds, transparent so viewers can see the ground below the clouds ?
How do I make the areas that aren't clouds, transparent so viewers can see the ground below the clouds ?
You'll probably need to create a new image (solid white), and somehow use the cloud image as a transparency channel for that image. Problem is, I have no idea how to do that. Maybe Photoshop has some way of doing this.
For the RGB image mentioned in the tutorial, you'll probably want an image consisting of just plain white. Then save it as .png which supports alpha transparency. This should cause you to end up with a transparent cloud image you can use as an overlay in HTML or basically anywhere else.