Help with how to do this map

In CC3 and in particular, DD3, how would I create this map? In particular the "cut" in rooms? I know how to create walls; however, I love the way the rooms looked "carved" into the surface.

Also, how would you do the edge?

Any suggestions would be so very helpful.



  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I've attached a very quick version of such a map, reduced to the bare necessities. Take a look at the sheets to see how it is set up. The basic trick is to have the Floor Mask sheet sitting above the floor, and applying the bevel effect to it.

    Feel free to post any questions relating to the map here.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Here is a screen shot of a slightly improved version. "Lightness Range" for the bevel effect on the above map's FLOOR MASK sheet should really be set to "1", to give a better "sunken" feeling.
  • Thank you very much. I appreciate the direction. I may have a follow up questions, like how did you do the edge?
  • I just tried to duplicate, can you walk through the steps? I can't figure out what you did. I am new to DD3.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, I am a little lost as to the steps to achieve this as well. Especially on creation of the floor mask.
  • edited December 2010
    I just purchased the program and am testing for 14 days, I have really struggled because of the step learning curve. I purchase to help me create maps for D&D 4E and have watched the video's; however, anything outside the video tutorial I find myself scratching my head and not being able to figure out. I have the manual, but it is just as difficult. I am not sure I am cut out for a CAD type program. I want so bad to get this to work, it just drives me crazy when I can't do something I think should be simple, such as change the background image after I start, or adjust the board, and can't seem to figure it out. I will keep at it for a few more days, hopefully I can make a little headway.

    For example. I downloaded the map here and I can't figure out how to add an additional floor. I go to add the floor and it disappears. So then I try and figure out some of the properties of the grey floor, I can't even figure out how to select it. The manual discusses the "change properties" tool, but even trying to use that it either selects everything or nothing, and when I think I have finally selected something, the property box comes up, and I can't even see what floor template was used. So after an hour of trying to figure out how to duplicate in the same file what someone else has done, I give up in frustration.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I'm sorry, I mistakenly assumed you'd be more familiar with CC3 and DD3 already. The above map is not a full template or complete map, so understanding it as a new user can be a bit difficult and frustrating.

    To achieve the above "sunken walls" from a standard DD3 map, do the following:

    - Draw a standard DD3 map as directed by the video tutorials and Essential guide.
    - Open the sheet dialog and create a new sheet FLOORS MASK. Place it right below the sheet FLOORS in the list and set it as current. Hide the sheet WALLS.
    - Now use a Floor* drawing tool (with the fill style you want) to cover all the area outside the rooms and corridors up to the map border. This is easiest down in two or more sections - it doesn't have to be in once piece). Use the snap grid, or the Endpoint modifier (F5) to snap the mask exactly to the corners and edges of your floors.
    - Add a Lighted Bevel effect to the FLOORS MASK sheet (check the example map for the settings).

    Any problems with these steps? Let me know and I'll try to clarify.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Ralf, didn't someone do a tutorial for this a few years ago ?
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Posted By: JimPRalf, didn't someone do a tutorial for this a few years ago ?
    Not that I remember, sorry. Point us to it, if you can find it.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited December 2010
    I have around 5 map pieces and a mask somewhere on a hard drive. I think 'few' needs to be changed to 'several' as I think it was before 2005.

    Got a doctor's appointment this morning, after I get back I'll see if I can find the maps, masks, etc. and post them.

    I remember the example was for a cave.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Not finding the example yet. Looked in here, on one of my external hard drives. The other one is too new to have the files, but I have copied some of my older CDs to it.

    I'll keep looking off and on.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I found a png I remember making not long after the mask cave was posted either here or on the Yahoo mailing list. The item I worked on is dated March, 2008. So that gives me a ballpark date... I'll keep looking.
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