Change Grid Dot Color

How do you change the grid dot color? Currently mine stays white, which can really only been seen with dark backgrounds. I am not speaking about the sheet grid, but the normal "snap" to grid. Any help would be really appreciated. When I view peoples tutorials, I can see gray dots, but can't figure out how to get they got the grey dots.


  • The grid dots are likley part of a template. Go to the layer dialog and thaw all, or unfreeze the template. You can now edit those dots.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    As far as I know, these are supposed to adapt to the background. They show up as light dots on dark backgrounds, and dark dots on light background. At least mine do that. I don't think there is a way to manually change their color.

    If you have trouble seeing these, you could try just making a regular grid of the same size as the snap grid. Put it on it's own sheet, and put it on it's own layer as well, so that you can easily hide it when you don't need it, and set the layer to frozen, so you don't accidentally manipulate it.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Posted By: JimPThe grid dots are likley part of a template. Go to the layer dialog and thaw all, or unfreeze the template. You can now edit those dots.
    Nope, the grid dots are part of the software interface, not the template. There is no way to explicitly set their color. As Monsen says, they adapt automatically to dark and bright background, but can be difficult to see at intermediate brightness levels.

    Monsen already has a very good suggestion, and you can also:

    - turn on "Cursor Snap" (right-click the grid button to do this). This will make the cursor jump from point to point, making it not as necessary to see the dots.
    - hide the layer BACKGROUND while you are drawing. This will make the white drawing background visible against which the dots appear black and are easy to see.
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