scanned templates

i got a few maps that are low detail and i was gonna use the low detail maps and use them as a back drop, to make a 3x3 page map in high detail, but i need a base template first so i scanned them into my pc. ho do i use them as the back ground for my large map?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Create a new map of the desired size, then just insert the scanned image using the Draw -> Insert File menu command.
    Then scale the image as desired, and put it on a sensible sheet and layer (Create new ones for this purpose). Best choice of sheet is one low in the drawing order, but above the map background, so you can actually see it.
    As long as the image is low in the drawing order, you can easily draw your detailed map on top of it.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Also, you need the image to be in .bmp (Windows Bitmap) or .png format. Those are the two bitmap formats CC3 can import. Jpg won't work.
  • edited June 2008
    KK thanks, next is how do i make it like 75% transparent? and further more how do i pan it to get it in the right place for i can start drawing over it? and i want it to always over lay in the transparent mode. also it seems cd2 is really lacking when it comes to inserting files..

    on another note if there are any links to good tutorials for the UI of CC3 and CD2 i would love the note because i have yet to make a satisfying map and may major issue is the UI.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited June 2008
    2 ways.

    1. Import it into CC3 as above, put it on it's own sheet, enable sheet effects, and put a transparency effect on the sheet. Note that it is a lot slower working with CC3 with effects turned on, so if you need it transparent while you work, this might not be the best idea unless you got a very fast computer

    2. Use an image manipulation program to save the image as a transparent png, then insert this into the map. This will make it appear nice and transparent in CC3 even without sheet effects.

    Just use the regular MOVE command (The move, scale, rotate button) to get the image in place to where you need it on your map. You might want to SCALE it as well.

    As for inserting files, CD2 doesn't really have anything to do with this. This is a function of the core program (cc3).

    As for tutorials, check Ralf's list of Support Resources
  • computers fast enough has a power house graphics card also. now as for the panning of the image? so i can get the placement right?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    In my post above. You had edited your post while I was writing my answer, so I edited my post to include the answers to the questions you added.
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