Non-Centered Hex Grid?

I've started a project to update my CC Dos maps to CC3. Back in CCDos I had a very systematic method of creating maps and then zooming in by quadrant and I was very happy with the results. I've started off by creating templates for myself in the various scales I used and I intend to paste in the old maps that I wish to update and re-draw over them in the new style, making changes and updates along the way for my new projects.

Now my first stumbling block along the way to updating is that the hex grids do not center on the page and I cant find a method of offsetting it. The image below shows my template in-progress at 1600x1600, the red horizontal line is the actual center line of the map (annoyingly the hex is NOT centered), while the grey line is one I fudged about +.5% to the approximate center of the hex.

Please! Is there any method I can use to get the grid to center both directions (verticle and horizontal?) or offset the grid somehow?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    edited November 2010
    The hex grid is by default always aligned to the bottom left corner of your map.

    I don't know of any command to automatically center the grid, but when you are creating the grid, if you click "Select Points" in the grid setup dialog instead of "Apply", CC3 lets you place the grid manually. You still need to do some math to get the correct starting point for the grid, but it allows you to create any offset you want to. The downside with this method is that you will need to trim the part of the grid outside your borders manually.
  • Ah ha! When selecting points for the grid I can input a negative number. On a 1600x1600 map I can select the points for the grid manually at 0,-8 and 1600,1600 and everything centers up nicely.
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