Simple questions

Good day to you, Sirs :)
Excuse me for my English, I'm from wild Russia ;D
I have installed СС3 two days ago and i definetly have questions.
One of them: what tools and effects should i use for creation of different levels of deep in sea, just like on physical map?

I'll try to add an example to my post.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Your English is fine.
  • And your map is great too!
    I'd suggest a very slight blur effect and maybe an inside glow effect. Neither too strong though. Depending on if you are planning a different sheet for each depth or not, you could even have the inside glow be the same shade of blue and the next shallower water to enhance the flow from one level to the next.

    For the lightest color you could have the inside glow VERY small with a white color. That will give the look of waves crashing on the shores. The only issue with that is you end up with a uniform white edge around the entire landmass, which might not be wanted along cliff-faces.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    A little clear up: Edelas is not asking for feedback on the map (which is actually an early example map for CC3, done by us).

    For a standard CC3 overland map, click the "Default Sea" draing tool button and use the tools in there to create underwater contours. If you're like me and prefer fractal polys to smooth polygons, you can edit the drawing tools (Click "Advanced" and then change the "Draw Method" to Fractal).

    As for effects, that depends on what type of map you're after. If it is supposed to be an accurate depiction (like a modern atlas), leave the contours as they are. If you're after a more illustrative effect, put each contour on its own sheet and use a "Edge Fade Inner" on them. That gives a smoother transition.

    I usually avoid Blurs on bitmap fills (done in the above example), as it muddies the nice texture. Glows are problematic for the same reason, because they can only be one solid color, and not a texture. Bearclaw's suggestion of the white glow is a nice one, but I'd actually put it as an outside glow on the LAND sheet.
  • Thank you for your answers :)
    I have already try some and have fair (satisfactory) results.

    >each contour on its own sheet and use a "Edge Fade Inner" on them
    As I understand, I should create some new sheets (add) and draw each contour on each own, and use "Edge Fade Inner" several times for better effect. Am I right?

    P.S. It's very interesting to write on foreign language and to make sence (i mean to be understanded) :)
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