SMAC Fills Import
I was wondering if anyone could help me with the SMAC fill imports. I downloaded all the files and put them in the right directory but when I goto Tools>Import cc3 tells me it imported 182 files or whatever. But when try to lay a floor I cannot find the imported fill styles there and they are not listed under the advanced tab. So my question is where are the fills that were imported? and how do I access them?
I tried searching for the answer but was unable to find anything. Also the cc3 manual doesn't mention the Tools>Import bitmap function it only mentions it for symbols.
I was wondering if anyone could help me with the SMAC fill imports. I downloaded all the files and put them in the right directory but when I goto Tools>Import cc3 tells me it imported 182 files or whatever. But when try to lay a floor I cannot find the imported fill styles there and they are not listed under the advanced tab. So my question is where are the fills that were imported? and how do I access them?
I tried searching for the answer but was unable to find anything. Also the cc3 manual doesn't mention the Tools>Import bitmap function it only mentions it for symbols.
This is very simple.
From the drawing tools window, hit advanced. Now select one of the tools to use as a template, and hit the "New" button. Give it a name (all floors should start with "Floor, "). Now, hit properties, and change the fill style for your new tool from this dialog. And that's it. Now click ok where appropriate to confirm your choices, and you have a drawing tool using the new fill style.
Now, any new map you create from this template will automatically have these fill styles and tools available. (Drawing tools follow the style, not the template, but all maps from the same template will also have the same style by default)
Note that there is no way to instantly make them available for all maps. Everything is made available through templates, so you need to edit all the templates you wish this fill style to be a part of. Also note that this will only affect new maps created from this template. Old maps doesn't have a link to the template they were created from.
1. Create your new map (Map A).
2. Go to Draw -> Insert File and then select a map that already has those fill styles in it (Map
3. Click anywhere in Map A to insert a copy of Map B.
4. Immediately select Edit -> Undo. This will remove Map B objects from new Map A, but leaves the fill styles from Map B in Map A.
5. Do a File -> Save for Map A.