Combinig CC3 and NBOS' Character Sheet Designer

I was wondering if anyone has combined the usage of both programs to make a character sheet.

NBOS' Character Sheet Designer is a freeware program.

I'll make a blank character sheet in CC3 and export the sheet as a PNG.
I'll run NBOS' Character Sheet Designer and import the exported CC3 sheet as an image in that program.
I lay text edit fields, set up any lists, etc.
The end result is I have a great looking editable character sheet.


  • Sounds cool. do you have a screenshot of the CC3 version and the final, cause now i am curious
  • Hello

    I do the same.

    I got a workbench using RPG Citymap Generator (Free), a reworked Medieval Demographic (, CD3 and a Character Sheet of my own.

    Actually, I make use of CC3 to draw cities and CSD to get City Sheet (using generation rules from MedDemog).

    You can find a sample there: and the original sheet (that you can modify using the free viewer at NBOS) : - Tennar.character


  • The test CC3 sheet I used to try this out with is the Fudge Jhendor one from Annual 41. So look at that Annual to see the CC3 sheet I tested this on.

    The things I did to the CC3 sheet in the Character Sheet Designer (CSD) were very basic as I just wanted to see how a CC3 sheet would look if I brought one into it.

    Exactly what I did to the CC3 image afe I got it in the CSD is as follows
    I positioned imported CC3 image so has one grid dot between it and the margin border.
    I added text edit field boxes to the appropriate areas. My edit boxes are using the Comic Sans MS font at 7 pt.
    I made two lists in the CSD. The 1st is a Gender list and the second is FUDGE Scale one. You can link a list to a text edit field, so when you click the edit field to type in text you get a drop down menu that lets you select items in the menu. The Gender one lets you chose male or female when you click the text edit field box next to Gender on the sheet. The FUDGE Scale one goes from Terible to Superb and is linked to each text edit box next to the Attributes on the sheet. The text edit boxes were set to center the text in the Attributes.
    I did have to draw 2 lines with the CSD as 2 of the lines on the CC3 sheet were getting covered by text edit boxes. And, that is it.

    I don't have any screenshots of a done sheet. :( However, dupplicating what I did do is very easy. I do have the *.csd file that has all the edit fields done on it. I’m not sure I can post it though as I’m using the sheet from the Annual. So if I can post it I will.

    Some other comments on the Character Sheet Designer that I want to mention if you are interested in trying it out.
    1.)You can set up the sheet designer to do some java script functions on a sheet.
    2.)Aside from setting up text edit fields an image import field can be set up if I had a character sketch box on the sheet.
    3.)The Character sheet designer is buggy. Some functions may not work on the toolbar but work on the menu for it. When making text edit boxes they have a nasty habit of inverting or collapsing in on each other, and it is easy to accidently add others. Use in the Designer the area select and pointer tool to deal with this. Once your use to working with that and the Designer this isn’t much of a problem. If you can’t get a designed sheet to import from the designer to the viewer open the *.csd file in the viewer instead. Check the NOBS form for help.
    4.)Be sure and examine the 2 page sample sheet that is in the program folder of the Character Designer and the others you can download on the NOBS site. The 2 page one will show you how to do dice rolls on a sheet and some other fun things. My idea using the designer with CC3 came about after seeing a sheet in which edit fields were laid over an image of a GURP’s one.
    5.)The Character Sheet Designer is currently 2 downloads, the installer and the updated viewer executable. You run the installer first. Then you replace the viewer executable in the main program file with the updated one.
    6.)You can save filled out character sheets in the viewer. They have the extension *.character.

    Finally, I am getting ready to make a Feng Shui RPG sheet using CC3 and the CSD in the next week or two. (Could be longer based on my work schedule.) I'll post my work when I'm done. I'm trying to figure out what I want exactly on the sheet to.

  • Paul,
    thanks for mentioning those two programs. I just downloaded both of them.
    I like the idea of making city sheets. Got several ideas after looking at your Tennar sheet that I'll try when I strat running my Nexus campaign. I haven't looked a French since I took it 20 years ago in college, but I was able to read most of the text on it. Very nice.
  • edited September 2010
    Hi Jay! Thanks for your comment!
    The softs are in english, so no problem about understanding them ;) By the way, I take a leaf out of "A Magical Mediaval City Guide" (, free, abstract from a very interesting product by Expeditious Retreat Press)

    I'm that kind of GameMaster that loves "realistic" campaigns and I do my best to get very detailed an complex situations and locations. I like this kind of software that helps me a lot constructing plausible worlds. I also have started to update a very powerfull product based on NBOS Inspiration Pad (a generator engine): a street/shop generator that helps in building a full street with all shops and all stuff you can find in them (the item, their quality, their price, and so) by Joe Mays (Not available any more on the web, so you can find it here:

    Have nice session!


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    The generator doesn't run... just shows the text of the generator code.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    It isn't a webapp. You need the NBOS Inspiration pad as mentioned by Anoril to run this.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Ah, okay. Oh, the link ends in htm, not htm!

    I'll give it a try. I have cities to populate.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Anyone have an ipt file for 1st edition AD&D ?

    If not, I'll try and work on one.
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Traveler
    edited September 2010
    I don't know of any 1st edition ipt AD&D files you can download.

    You might find some ipt files that you can use at these links if you haven't been to them yet.

    Be sure to check out the program downloads section in the 2nd link too. The 1.01b Character Sheet Viewer for the Character Designer Program is in that, if you haven't grabbed it.

    Also, check the NBOS forums I snagged some other ipt files from it and the had a post on making a 1st edition magic swords ipt.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I'll check into it, but since I'm on vacation I'm mostly playing Everquest.
  • I use NBOS programs a lot and I'm looking forward to mixing Cosmographer and AstroSynthesis™ v2.0! AstroSynthesis™ v2.0 already allows you to use Fractal Terrains Pro files.

    I have extensive ipt files for my GURPS games and if you check the IPP forums you can see my posts of how I floundered writing them. I use the Character Sheet Designer and The Keep (I was on the beta team for both) for my campaigns. I really like what you did with the two programs.
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