Some beginner's questions

Hi there!

Yesterday i've begun working with CC3, and I'm really excited about it.
I do have some simple question on which I hoped, and I'm pretty sure, that someone could help me =)

- How do I change the color / bitmap filling of a landmass? I keep using the edit tool... but somehow i only change the surrounding line's color. Might sound abit stupid, but I have been trying it for over 30 minutes without succes :/
- What are layers for? I understand sheets.. but don't get the purpose of layers. What's the difference?

Thanks alot!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited August 2010
    Posted By: NooitsjaHow do I change the color / bitmap filling of a landmass? I keep using the edit tool... but somehow i only change the surrounding line's color. Might sound abit stupid, but I have been trying it for over 30 minutes without succes :/
    Edit properties (image) will only select a single entity. All landmasses have a black outline, so what is happening is probably that you are changing the outline instead of the landmass. Try the "Change Properties" image tool instead, and change the "Fill Style" property in the dialog. (To be able to select just the landmass and not the outline with the change properties tool, click "Change properties", click on the edge of the landmass [you'll notice the status bar tells you that you have two entities picked], right click [inside the drawing window], select Combine-> Not, right click, select Color, type 0<enter> on the command line, then finally right click and select "Do It")

    Posted By: NooitsjaWhat are layers for? I understand sheets.. but don't get the purpose of layers. What's the difference?
    Layers serves as groupings for entities. For example, you can make a layer named SECRET and put all your secret stuff there. When you print the map to give to your players, you just hide the SECRET layer before printing, and those entities does not show up on the map. While you can also show/hide sheets, these also controls the drawing order, so a single sheet cannot hide two objects where one is on top of a given object and another one is below.
  • edited August 2010
    - Edit properties (image) will only select a single entity. All landmasses have a black outline, so what is happening is probably that you are changing the outline instead of the landmass. Try the "Change Properties"imagetool instead, and change the "Fill Style" property in the dialog. (To be able to select just the landmass and not the outline with the change properties tool, click "Change properties", click on the edge of the landmass [you'll notice the status bar tells you that you have two entities picked], right click [inside the drawing window], select Combine-> Not, right click, select Color, type0 on the command line, then finally right click and select "Do It") -

    So I right-click the Change-Properties tool, select Change Fill Style, and select the landmass whose filling I wish to change. Ok, that makes sense.
    But then I right-click the landmass, and do something with "Combine"? I'm sorry, but I still don't fully understand.

    - Layers serves as groupings for entities. For example, you can make a layer named SECRET and put all your secret stuff there. When you print the map to give to your players, you just hide the SECRET layer before printing, and those entities does not show up on the map. While you can also show/hide sheets, these also controls the drawing order, so a single sheet cannot hide two objects where one is on top of a given object and another one is below. -

    Ok, tnx :)
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited August 2010
    Posted By: NooitsjaSo I right-click the Change-Properties tool, select Change Fill Style, and select the landmass whose filling I wish to change. Ok, that makes sense.
    But then I right-click the landmass, and do something with "Combine"? I'm sorry, but I still don't fully understand.
    The basic operation is first to click "change properties", then click on the edge of your landmass, then right-click (inside the drawing window), and select "Do it" from the pop-up menu. This will bring up the dialog you need. All the stuff in my parenthesis above are the complete steps to make sure you only select the landmass and not the black outline. But try the basic steps first to familiarize yourself with the process.
  • I think I've found the problem.
    The fill wouldn't change, because I've somehow made this landmass' fill unchangable. I think.
    It just stays white, and only the lines are changeable.
    But when I draw a new, default landmass, I CAN change the fill by using the pop-up window :D

    Thanks anyway
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    It might be that you have applied a line width to the landmass.

    In CC3, if the line with is 0, the object is filled, but if the line width is greater than zero, then only the line itself is filled (the rest of the object is empty). You can change the line width through the change properties dialog to test this.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Do a list.

    type the word list
    ( it should show up on the command line bottom of CC3
    then press the enter key.

    Select the object you want to change.

    A small window shows up with


    One of those layers is the outline, one is the fill/color.

    You can right click Change Properties, select Change fill style. Right click, a menu appears.

    Scroll down to More -> and select from that small menu Entity tag #

    type in the tag number you got from list.

    Go up to the right hand corner of CC3 where you see FS

    Click there, click the bitmap tab, select one.Click okay.

    You have no changed the bitmap fill of that one thing.

    If it is a color instead of a bitmap fill you want changed, just select the color button and use that instead.
  • edited August 2010
    I don't understand... what wordlist should I type?
    And if i select something (with the change tool, i guess), no sheet-layer-layer window shows up.

    I understand now how to open the change-fill findow, but don't see an ''Entity tag'' menu.

    (btw, My current problem is that i can't figure out how to change a landmass' fill and outline seperately. Sometimes the whole landmass turns black, sometimes only the line changes color... Sometimes the line just seems to dissapear when the whole chunk turns one color. It's very confusing :s)

    @Monsen: The line width was indeed greater than zero. But even now i've made it zero, the whole landmass (line and fill) turns white, if i change the color into white.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited August 2010
    Ok... Try this simple example for an example on how to do this.

    1. Start a new map based on a standard CC3 overland template
    2. Use the landmass tool image to draw a landmass
    3. Click the Change Properties image button
    4. Click on the edge of the landmass
    5. Notice how the command line at the bottom now tells you that you have two entities selected. This is both the landmass and the outline. We don't want to change the outline, so we must somehow exclude it from our selection
    6. Right click anywhere inside the drawing area. This produces a pop-up menu
    7. Select the "Combine" item form the menu, and the "Not" item from the submenu. The "Not" options allows us to specify a property that the selected entities should not have. We know that the outline is black, so let us tell CC3 that we do not want to select obects that are black.
    8. Right click inside the draw window again. This time, select "Color" from the popup-menu. This allow us to specify a color. Since we selected the "Not" option in the previous step, we no specify the color the entity should NOT have.
    9. Either just type the number 0 on the command line (and hit enter), - OR - click the color indicator in the status bar at the top, select the top-left color (black), then hit ok.
    10. Notice now that the command line tells uss that only one item is selected. The outline was removed from our selection becuase we told CC3 that we did not want black entities.
    11. Righ-click, and select "Do It"
    12. The Change properties dialog pops up. Make the appropriate changes, click ok. Click the redraw button image to make sure the screen is updated [If not, the changed fill will temporarily appear on top of the black outline, obscuring it]. You'll now notice that only the landmass have changed color, and not the outline.
    Posted By: Nooitsjadon't understand... what wordlist should I type?
    Not a wordlist, but type the word list<enter> at the command line. This starts the list command. You can now select multiple entities (just as with the change properties command, and then right click and select "Do it" to see information about the selected items, like entity tag.
    Instead of typing list, you can also select "list" from the "Info" menu.
  • Ok, thank you. That was helpfull.

    But I now have two landmasses:
    One landmass' line has the same color as it's fill,
    and one landmass has a line whose filling (the line's filling) is the same color as the landmass' fill.

    How do I give them back their black line, so i can change the fill the way you learned me.
    Because if i now tell cc3 not to change the line, it also won't change the fill.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    What you can do is to exclude items with a certain entity tag number (as mentioned by JimP above). This works the same way we excluded items with a certain color above.
    To do this, you first need to find the entity number. This is done by using the lsit command discussed above (Info -> List). Use this command to get inf on your landmass, and find the entity number of both the outline and the landmass itself.
    Now, do the exact same steps as in my post above, but instead of selecting "color", you should select "entity tag" instead (Entity tag is in the "More" submenu of the popup-menu). Note that while you could just the color dialog to select the color, you will need to actually type the entity number in manually when the command line asks for it. Depending on which entity tag number you typed in, you will end up with either the landmass or the outline selected, and can change the properties to the appropriate values
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2010
    Yeah, I should have bolded the word 'list'. My apologies.
  • Thanks! After a lot of experimenting, I've finally got the result I wanted. :D
  • edited August 2010
    Ok wait, now I've come across yeth another problem...
    So now i have my two colored landmasses, with black 0-width lines. Now I'd like to give my lines width 2.
    But when I change the Width to 2, two unexpected things happen:

    The landmass's fill simply disappears. You can look trough it.
    The line's fill becomes the color of the landmass's fill (which disappeared).
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You cannot simply change the line width of an entity. This results in the behavior described in my 3rd reply in this thread.

    If you have a black outline, you can change that, but make sure you select only the outline, and not both the outline and the entity. If you don't have an outline, you can add one first with the "Outline in Black" tool in the right-hand toolbars.
  • Ok, so now i've made the line width 1. But the line's color (fill) is still equal to the fill's color. How can I select just the line, so I can make it's fill black?
    Now I know how to select just the fill (by telling cc3 not to select the line), but I can't find the fill's tag in the list-menu.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    If you know the tag # of the line you can select it directly.
    Just click the desired command (like change properties), then, instead of selecting anything at all in the map, just right click in the drawing area, select More -> Entity Tag number, and just type in the tag number of the line. This will select the entity with that tag number, and nothing else (provided you haven't clicked on any other entities).
  • edited August 2010
    Posted By: NooitsjaBut the line's color (fill) is still equal to the fill's color
    What you name "line" and "fill" are two separate polygon entities sharing the same nodes.
    When you use the *LIST* command, select both.
    You will get a (probably long) list with the two polygons.
    One will have a fill style set to HOLLOW or a line width greater than 0. It's your *line*.
    The other will have a fill style set to SOLID or whatever and a line width of 0. It's your *fill*.
    Each will have it's individual tag #.
  • Well... The line's tag is 9046.
    If I do what Monsen suggested (properties, rklick somewhere, entity tag 9046, rklick again > do it, rklick again) the pop-up window opens.
    I change the color to black, but when I press ok the "fill" becomes black, and the line keeps it's color. (instead of otherwise)

    I'm sorry, but... :( ?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited September 2010
    Can you attach your file here for me to look at. It is easier to provide unconfused guidance when I can see the actual map you are working with.
  • 8 days later
  • edited September 2010
    Sorry i didn't respond in a while. Here's an image.
    I wish to give both landmass´ a black 1-width line.][IMG]
  • The most effective way to get several of us to help is to post the CC3 file for us (.fcw extension).

    I think I understand what you're trying to do -- but I'm not clear why the help we've given hasn't gotten you to solution. By having the map we can give you specific instructions, tied to an example that you have in-hand. And if there is something odd going on,we can diagnose that.

  • 13 days later
  • Ok, this is the map I'm having trouble with.
  • edited September 2010
    Let me see if I get it right...

    Entities have two colors : the outline color which is the main one, and a second color. If the entity is *fillable* (a polygon, or anything with a line width>0) the second color will fill the outline.
    In your case, your have a
    #9046 polygon with line width 0, color 0, second color 19 which yields a beige polygon with a thin black outline. You don't see that outline because
    #9047 polygon with line width 1, color 0, second color 0 which yields a 1' thick black outline that overlaps the outline of #9046.

    #9050 polygon with line width 1, color 22, second color 15 yields a 1' thick white outline whose own shape is outlined in color 22 (gray-blue).

    When a closed polygon has a line width>0, it won't fill anymore. What CC3 takes as filling area is the thickness of the line.

    I think #9046 and #9047 are good as is.
    For #9050, try the following :

    CHANGELW (change line width)
    d (for do it)
    CHANGEC (change main color)
    p (for prior, last entity affected)
    right click
    CHANGEC2 (changes second color)

    Hope it's what you wish...
  • Now if you don't want a gray outline but a black one, you need to change the color of entity #9051 (and not #9050).
  • Thanks for being so patient with me.
    This is my current situation.

    But why now can't I change the fill (or whatever it's called) of the two largest landmasses, like I can do to the smaller islands?
    (I do this by NOT selecting black, or NOT selecting the line's entity tag)
    When I do this with the two large landmasses, it's just the line that changes color.

    I'm sorry if you somehow already explained it... I can't really comprehend all this different types of entities yeth. I think that's something you have to learn while exploring the program, and not during your first map.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You cannot use NOT black in this case, because all your entities are black (Yea, I know this sounds a little strange, but if you examine the LIST output, you will notice this. The color of the entitiy comes from the 2nd color, but the selection filter operates on the primary one, which is black).

    Again, LIST is your friend. Using list, I noticed that your largest landmass has an entity tag of 9046.
    Now, let us select it a bit differently.
    1. Click Change Properties
    2. Do NOT click on any entity
    3. Right Click, Select More -> Entity Tag #, and type in 9046
    4. The landmass is now selected. Hit the D key (For 'Do It')
    5. Now, just change the color
  • Yay, that worked! \o/

    But i tought that was the Tag of the landmass' line..?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    No. If you look at the output from list when you click on the edge of that landmass, you will find two entities. Notice that both have the color black (as I mentioned above), but one has a line width of 0, and the other a line width greater than zero. A line width greater than zero indicates a line, but a line width of zero indicates a filled polygon (the landmass itself in this case).
  • 16 days later
  • So, with line width > 0 the tag represents the line, and with line width < 0 the tag represents the landmass?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Basically, yes.
    When the line width is equal to 0, there is basically no line, and you have a completely filled object (Like a landmass)
    When line width is greater than 0, you have a outline without any fill (The line itself may have a fill style and color, but that only applies to the actual line, not the area inside the outline)
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