Old user seeking info on the upgrade path

Hi I wrote to the PF guys but saw later from Simon's blog they were away, so no surprise got no response.

But I have a number of questions about the upgrade path for CC3 from CC2 pro. So firstly correct me if I am wrong. I can upgrade CC2 even if its not loaded on my computer but is registered with PF? But this is where I want to confirm things:

1. Can I use DD2 with CC3?
2. What do I need to use to make DD2 run with CC3? Is it just the universal updater or the prior patches and bits before hand?
3. I know that CC3 uses png's bitmaps and other cool stuff, can DD2 do this under CC3?
4. can DD2 use sheets and effects as does CC3 even if we can't use the tools and symbols that otherwise come with it?
5. Can you buy and run DD3 on its own without CC3
6. Where can one find resources on turning Dungeons made in CC3 or DD2/3 into battlemaps?

Ok I think that covers my questions I just am on a limited budget and £40 + pounds is a lot of money to upgrade my existing CC2 suit (not counting City designer and Cosmographer pro etc)




  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    1. The old add-ons cannot be used with CC3.

    However, there are compatibility upgrade versions available from your registration page. Upper right corner.

    So when you install CC3, you can download the add-on compatibility upgrades and install them with CC3. These aren't the newer CC3 add-ons.

    5. Add-ons cannot be run by themselves.
  • Thanks JimP

    Can I just clarify then, I cannot use my old version of DD2 with CC3 but I can download a copy that is compatible with CC3? Second does this new version of DD2 allow me to use sheets and bitmaped effects like on sheets? Like for instance if I do a dungeon, can I use shading to give the impression of depth along a wall?

    Thanks I'm on the very go buying CC3, but I want to make sure its not going to be a tool I cannot use. Before hand I used to draw maps with it, since playing D&D4e I want to now create battlemaps specifically Dungeons - for the present time anyway.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    If you have registered your CC2 addo-ons, you will be able to download CC3 compatibility updates that work with CC3.

    I don't use effects, but it seems likely effects will be available to you in the compatibility update. They are done by sheets, not by which add-on is being used.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Yes, you can use sheet effects, bitmap symbols and bitmap fills in your DD2 maps when you use the DD2 compatibility update with CC3. The compatibility update won't give you the new dungeon fill styles and symboles that comes with DD3, but you can still use core CC3 symbols and fill styles, as well as make your own (or download from the internet)
  • Thanks guys that's what I as hoping you'd say. If I can get CC3 I think with a compatible copy of DD2 I can still do the battle maps I'd like to do.

    Thanks again

  • Just for confirmation:

    Can I download & install the upgrade for CC2 Pro to CC3, even if CC2 Pro NOT installed on my current computer?

    It doesn't require the original CC2 Pro install disc?

    As long as my copy of CC2 Pro was on record as being registered?

    (Would the same apply to upgrading my add-ons from DD2 and CD2 to DD3 and CD3? Don't need the original install discs in order to install the upgrades, as long as my serial numbers were registered? How about Fractal Terrains - is it possible to install the "Update to FT 1.6" without having FT installed on current computer?)

    I've been away from RPG gaming some years, and not sure where I stored my old install discs. However I now find myself in need of trying to make a couple maps. My products do have serial numbers registered with ProFantasy, but must have been before October 2001 as I can't find any record of my order to try to download.

    Thank you for any replies.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    The compatibility updates are for CC3. They won't work with CC2.

    In the past when you had CC2, any add-ons you purchased for CC2, there are compatibility updates for your purchase of CC3.

    For the rest, I'll let someone else answer.
  • Thank you.

    I DID go digging around my email backups and found my order email from 2004, and found the "redownload" page from there.

    I'm going to give that a try first to see if I can at least get CC2 and FT installed for now.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited August 2010
    You don't need CC2 installed (nor have the original install disk available) to be able to install CC3 (even if you bought it as an upgrade). You get the exact same installer in any case, but you have to have CC2 registered with profantasy to be able to get the upgrade pricing.
    The same goes for all the Compatibility updates, you do not need the original CC2 version of these installed/available. The compatibility updates are full versions of the programs (But you need to have the corresponding CC2 add-on registered on your registration page).

    As for FT, I believe the 1.6 update is just a patch, you still need to have FT installed.
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