Grid alingment between products (CC3 to Maptools/etc)

I've been tinkering with CC3 for my maptools gaming maps and having a bit of an issue aligning grids. I've watch the tutorials and followed the instructions but it seems no matter what I do the grids do not align.

My maptools config is set to 50 pixels per square, which is 5 foot.

CC3 squares are configured as 5 foot and when I export I count out the WxH and multiple that by 50 for the export size (2000x1600 for a 40x32).

When I export with the grid I cannot get the same size grid to align with the maptools grid. Is there some fine tuning I am missing?

I also find that when I have a copy of say the first level of Temple of Elemental evil I can't seem to align the 10ft squares on that map with the 10ft square grid created by CC3 no matter where I place the background image of the map. Is there a better way to do that? I plan to copy the maps of several of my modules to run my players through. I'd really like to have the grids line up so when I copy its much easier than just hand drawing the copy w/o snap and then when the map is exported I can get things aligned in maptools as well.

Thanks for any tips!


  • I figured out the export problem, I was mistakenly exporting w/border, what a goof. Now when I export as rectangle jpg I just select in inner section (snap) and with the 2000x1600 pix it lines up perfectly in maptools.

    Now my only problem is trying to align grids from existing maps I am trying to copy (insert image). I have a hard time with that because if I try and change scale or move it the darn grid in CC3 disappears while moving/scaling.
  • edited August 2010
    I'd do it that way:

    Using a photo editor (PhotoFiltre, Paint, whatever) trim your image to the grid (no border eh?:)).

    Count the h and v squares #.

    In CC3, use the insert file command and type 0,0 (enter) for the first point and h number x square size, v number x square size for the second and your image *should* correspond roughly to the grid.

    For example if you have a battlemap 30 x 20 squares and a square size of 10' you'd type 300,200 (enter) for the second input.
  • That works almost perfectly, thank you very much!
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