Symbol Set 1

I'm trying to make another map matching a style I did quite some time ago using Symbol Set 1...SS1b to be more precise. If you go into the Symbol Manager, the symbols from my old map where split into two symbols, for example...

SS1b DecidWood 116
SS1b DecidWood 117

The 116 is the "background" color fill and the 117 is the "foreground" line art for the same symbol. By default these were put on two different sheets (SYMBOLS and SYMBOLS BACKGROUND) which allowed different sheet effects to be applied to them.

Searching and searching, but I can't for the life of me find these symbols in SS1 at this head is about to explode on this one!



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    I can't find any symbols labeled 116/117 either, only 112/113, which are found in the #Symbols\Maps\SS1\Sean\vegetation_2part.FSC catalog. These symbols have the behavior you describe. I can't recall any annual adding to the SS1 styles either.
  • edited August 2010
    This is the SS1b Decid Wood 1 symbol wich splits on several sheets as you mentionned.
    When you place such a symbol, the symbol managers makes two copies : one for each sheet and appends a number to the symbol name. Why it is 16/17 or 12/13 I don't know. To me it's 35/36.
    So it's not really 116/117 but "SS1b Decid Wood 1" + 16/17. If you place a SS1b Decid Wood 2 symbol you'll probably get SS1b Decid Wood 216/217.
    Monsen found the right catalog.
  • I'm using the 2-part symbol catalog and it splits the symbol into two pieces, however it's not doing it into the "background color fill" and "foreground line art." An example of the two symbol names are:

    SS1b DecidWood3

    The earlier 116/117 symbol I listed was just one of many with numbers like that...I have mountains (SS1b Hills 216/217, SS1b Mountain Range 116/117), structures (SS1b Hut 16/17) and more but those symbols aren't present anywhere in my catalogs or image folders. Since making my first map I've had to reinstall CC3 on a new computer so I'm wondering if I'm using a setting wrong or didn't install a needed update.

    Here are images of the two things I'm describing...first, what I'm after from the old drawing:


    And what I'm currently getting using the 2-part symbol catalog:

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    That looks like a combination of symbol types. B&W, filled, and maybe a hand drawn one here and there.
  • I didn't use anything special, those were symbols used straight from SS1.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Strange. I have SS1, and I couldn't find such symbols labeleld that. SS1b etc.

    As an example: I can find Town Walled a, but not Town Walled 117 in my copy of SS1. I do have CC3, but the titles of the symbols should stay the same regardless if i have CC2 or CC3.
  • I'm with you Jim, I'm so confused...using all CC3.
  • edited August 2010
    I'm unable to reproduce the original map style without being able to use these 2-part symbols due to the sheet effects. I have found on my hard drive symbol names that seem to meet the requirements, just can't figure how to use them in two parts. Example:

    060_Village_2_back_HI (background color)
    060_Village_2_outl_HI (foreground line art)

    Here's the original map I'm trying to use as my style:

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    This is indeed strange, but I cannot reproduce the problem here. Can you post the map you're currently working on (where the error pops up), so we can take a look at it?

    You should also open one of the symbol catalogs you're trying to use (directly in CC3, not in the catalog window), e.g. CC3/Symbols/Maps/SS1/Sean/structures_2part.FSC. Open the Symbol Manager and look at the Option for a symbol. Is the option "Convert Line Style names to Sheets" activated?

    Is your version of CC3 current (3.40)? Check in Help > About. Try to reinstall CC3 Update 8 just in case.
  • Bingo Ralf...I forgot to run Update 8 when I reinstalled on my new computer...that did the trick!

  • Skycast, I just had to comment...

    The map you posted is great. Curses! Why can't I get my overland maps to look so good?
  • Thanks Shessar, that's one of my better finished products...took me forever to get to that point too. I think I'm way too critical on myself.
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