Online map viewers/editors

I am planning an online Kriegsspiel game site and CC3 may obviously be useful. However I am not sure what the file formats are and whether they can be used by 'standard' cartographic tools.

In particular, I would like to give the umpire the ability to update the master map online (with troop symbols etc.) rather than requiring that a new map be uploaded for each minro change. Likewise the players should be able to update their own maps, and the umpire be able to view/update them. I imagine that a layer would be changed rather than the map as a whole.

So does CC3 support such facilities?

Thanks ...

PS I do not have a copy of CC3 yet.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited July 2010
    No. CC3 is an offline map editor, and does not have any such online features.

    CC3 uses it's own native file format, which I haven't heard of any online editors/viewers that support. It does support exporting to regular image formats for viewing on the web, but obviously, a static image cannot be easily manipulated online in the way you describe.

    However, what you can do is to make the background map in CC3, and export that to an image. What you would then need is some other software (perhaps something written in flash, as most people can view that) that loads this as a background image, and keep track of the unit counters and other non-static elements and overlays them on the background map.

    For offline editing, CC3 does have layers, so it is possible for each player to just edit his own layer, and then the umpire could just copy all the entities on that layer from the player's edited map to the master map. It would require that all parties have CC3 installed however. The free viewer does not allow editing.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited July 2010
    You might try reading this: software for gaming on the internet on Dragon's Foot forums. The home of 1E, OSRIC, but nothing past 2E AD&D.

    I mention that as they want to only discuss 2E and before, there are plenty of 3E forums out there.
  • You could also do a google search for "Virtual Tabletop".

    Once you have uploaded your base map / image (made in CC3, CD3, DD3...of course), counters, etc, you can than use the online features of the virtual table top to create Fog of War, etc. One person acts as the host server / GM and all the players can join the session, move their own counters, etc.

    Try looking at the demos and tours of software like maptool, fantasy grounds 2, and a host of others (some free and some where you have to pay a subscription fee).

    The main thing is that you need images, maps, music, files, etc to upload and as the host GM / you can show them to your players as you desire - even obscuring parts of a map. So use CC3 to create your images and then upload the JPG / PNG to the site and play on.

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