Need Suits of Armor

Need several different styles and types of suits of armor... preferably looking like they are standing in an armor rack/stand


  • edited July 2010
    Look in the SMAC-Statues. There may be some there that you can use There is also a wooden base/stand to place them on. :)
  • Those are cool... was hoping for some other suits than what looks like Full Plate.

    Stuff like Chain Mail, Leather, Studded Leather, Hide, Scale, etc :)

    But those are very cool... Wish SMAC had an index of some more advanced sort so that when I look for armor... I can find it in statues :)
  • How soon do you need this? I probably won't have time to work on it till next week and even then I'm not sure how successful I would be.
    Wish SMAC had an index of some more advanced sort so that when I look for armor... I can find it in statues :)
    That is one of the problems with this much art. How my brain classifies it may be different than how you would do it. My best suggestion is to spend some time just looking through the art folders to become familiar with what all is in them. I love looking through the art to come up with ideas on how to use some of it.

    I can't even imagine the work involved in creating an index. :D
  • It's no massive pressure. I'm basically converting the original TOEE mod T1-4 for 4th ed via Fantasy Grounds.

    As a party we're probably going to hit the first level of the Temple maybe this coming Thursday. We've probably got a month at least before we hit the 2nd level... and if it can't be had by then, it's probably less important than I'm making it out to be :)
  • OK. I'll see what I can do. No promises though. This really does push the boundaries of my skill, and I'm not sure how successful I'll be.
  • I'm sorry cryptoknight. I played around with this for a couple of hours last night and finally admitted to myself that this is beyond my skill. :(
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I tried for a few minutes, but I wasn't sucessful in finding suits of armor from a top down view. I mention this as it seems to me, a non-artist, it would be easier to draw if you could find such an example to use as a guide.
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