Computer Crash

I have had ProFantasy for about four months and am very pleased with it. Soon after I started using it, my computer started to crash. At first I did not connect the two, and I had my computer checked as I suspected that it might be a virus. No virus was found.
Most times when the computer crashed it was when I was working on ProFantasy, but that may well be because I spend most time on the computer working on maps lately! And certainly it has crashed when I was not working on ProFantasy also.
Usually when I reboot the computer, and open ProFantasy, my work has been saved. However yesterday it crashed when I was working on the map, and when I rebooted the computer the whole map was corrupted. This is a map I had been working on for many days, and had not only saved my work as I went along, but had even closed ProFantasy, and the computer. So the corruption went beyond my latest work, the whole map was corrupted.
Has this happened to anyone else?
Most times when the computer crashed it was when I was working on ProFantasy, but that may well be because I spend most time on the computer working on maps lately! And certainly it has crashed when I was not working on ProFantasy also.
Usually when I reboot the computer, and open ProFantasy, my work has been saved. However yesterday it crashed when I was working on the map, and when I rebooted the computer the whole map was corrupted. This is a map I had been working on for many days, and had not only saved my work as I went along, but had even closed ProFantasy, and the computer. So the corruption went beyond my latest work, the whole map was corrupted.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I typically have 20 to 150 maps in the sequence I made them as I progress. 150 is unusual. No specific average, as not all surface maps I make are detailed. filename01_001, then filename01_002, etc. That would be like city01_001, etc.
Another city map would be city02_001, city02_002, etc.
The other reason I decided to start doing this is that I have more than once realized I didn't like the path I had taken with a map. So I go back to a much earlier save as, further back than undo can take me, and branch off in another mapping direction.
Since this happened I also make a new map each time I start work. For example my first work would be 1a. Next day I copy it and rename it 1b and work on it. When I have completed all of the work I rename the final stage 1 Outline and delete the rest.
Shessar. I was told that Update 8 was included in the download when I bought CC3. But I don't know whether it is version 3.40 or not. Do you know when this latest version was released? Should I download it again?