Dioramas: Starship Models
I thought I'd share my current pet project that I've been working on for a week. Somehow I got this itch for a starship miniature game, got myself a copy and started thinking about creating models with CC2 Dioramas (some of you might remember that I've done the same in the past with fantasy naval minis).
I've attached the FCW file. It's a work in progress - it really needs some polish, labelling and assembly instructions. And the models need some additional bits, like the central orb for the TIEs and the little globe thingies on top of the Star Destroyer bridge. I've created them from modelling clay, as you can see in the following pictures.
I've attached the FCW file. It's a work in progress - it really needs some polish, labelling and assembly instructions. And the models need some additional bits, like the central orb for the TIEs and the little globe thingies on top of the Star Destroyer bridge. I've created them from modelling clay, as you can see in the following pictures.
If you make more of these, I would absolutely love to have the fcw's.
I need to try the diarammas with clay. I have not done that yet.
This time I used some craft beads for the fighter cockpits (4 mm) and the globes on the Star Destroyer bridge (2.5mm). Much easier than modelling them in clay.
Here are some photos of the assembled and painted fleets. The other fleet is obviously not done in CC3 and paper.
If I right click it wants to save it as 'victorysd_dioramas.fcw.htm'.
Nice work Ralf. I really enjoy these.
BTW, Ralf, how did you get the curves on the last ships (the nodules)?
The cockpits for the TIE fighters are small beads you can get in any craft shop.
Imperial Star Destroyer
Victory Star Destroyer