Tracing an imported map

Hi all!

I'm in the process of tracing the map of Caribdus (from the Savage Worlds setting 50 Fathoms), and I've run in to something I haven't figured out how to overcome.

I created a map that's 7500 miles wide by 6000 miles tall, which is about the scale of the original map. I then created a new sheet called "map", and imported a high quality PNG file to that layer. Now, I've selected the Default Landmass tool, and I've begun tracing some of the landmasses. However, the map overrules everything unless I hide the map sheet, and then I have no source to trace.

Is there a way to set the map sheet 'to the background', so that it is there to trace, but as I draw over it, what I draw remains 'on top'?




  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Sheets are where you do that.

    The land map tool will place thel and on the Land sheet.

    The import file is probably on the Grid sheet.

    So when you draw on the land sheet, it disapears under the Grid sheet. You could add a temporary sheet below the sheet the import file is located on, and draw the land there.

    I do this all the time, you just have to keep track of what sheet what is on, and make maps. You will get used to it.
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