Historical Map Making

My interest is in making a map of europe for the Napoleonic period. At present I have a series of hand drawn maps, which I want to remake to look more professional. I have watched the tutorials, but they don't really tell me whether this would be the right sytem for me.

I want to make two types of map. The first would be similar to a board game with roads, rivers, towns, mountains and major forests. The second would be a series of drawings of wargame tables and would be copies of the 26 wargame scenery boards which I use for my Napoleonic wargames.

The tutorials, and most of the information on the site, seems to relate to fantasy map making. Does anyone use this for historical map making and historical wargames?

What I am really trying to decide is whether this would be the best tool to do make the types of maps I need.

Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.


  • http://sub.profantasy.com/2009/august09.html
    I belive annual 3 has something on napoleonic maps in there :)
  • 18 days later
  • Yes it does have a "Napoleonic Map" entry for the annual, but having studied many maps from the period I find it far too modern in style and they come out looking more like you find in the text-books when I was a child. There is no supplement yet to do it, but I have managed to match styles to some originals with rather extensive work.
  • paulpaul Newcomer

    I have just realised that I did not answer your post - sorry.

    I am having a lot of trouble getting used to the basic tools, and I did not really want to take on anything extra. At this stage I feel that it might be better for me to try to achieve what is relatively easy with CC3, if necessary by selecting a different end result.

    However I did look at the Napoleonic section of the annual. It looks interesting, and I would quite like my maps to have a similar look. But I think that is something for the future.

    Its also a little disappointing that you have to buy the whole annual just for that one section. I did not see anything else there that I was interested in.

    Thanks for your suggestion, its something I would like to try at a later period.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Well, I find that the annuals add tools and symbols, along with various mapping methods and I learn more on how to use the software. Even if I have no use for a particular month. So I have all of them.
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