Trouble with sheet layer order

In advance, apologies if I'm being stupid, as I'm a relative newb to this. I have checked help/the manual and can't find what I'm looking for. But to the problem:

I am in the midst of of making a city map. I'm running CD2 in CC3. My problem area looks like thus:

trouble map

It is a city wall with a tower on the corner. Obviously, I would like the tower to sit on top of the wall, rather than the other way around.

The wall is on the Sheet named "Wall," Layer named "Wall."

The tower symbol is on Sheet "Symbol," Layer "Wall."

As I understand it, the Symbol Sheet is higher in the Sheet list, so it should show up on top of the Wall Sheet. Obviously, as you can see from the picture, it is not.

I also tried moving the symbol to a different Layer, but it still didn't help.

Is there some other way you're supposed to order Sheets? (In general, I want everything on the Symbol Sheet to be on top of the Wall Sheet anyway). Again, couldn't find anything in the documentation, which may be as much poor Index-fu as anything.

And yes, I refreshed the screen to make sure it wasn't temporarily rendered incorrectly. Many times. :)

Many thanks in advance for help.


  • And two seconds after posting, I realized what I did wrong. Apparently, you need to move the Sheet DOWN in the list in order to make it appear on top of everything else. Kind of reverse logic there. That's confusing.

    Leaving my original post in case someone else had the same problem.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    The logic in this is that CC3 starts with the top sheet, draws it, then proceeds down the list, drawing them all in order, one on top of the other. So seen from an application behavioural point, the order of the list is quite logical, although it can seem a bit counter-intuitive at first.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    Posted By: DeathQuakerAnd two seconds after posting, I realized what I did wrong. Apparently, you need to move the Sheet DOWN in the list in order to make it appear on top of everything else.
    Yeah, it makes perfect, logical sense to a programmer, but not to your average end user. :)
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