Vote on User Suggestions for the Annual

We are looking for your feedback on what to include in the futures issues of the Annual 2010. Here are user suggestions from the "Subscription Ideas" thread. Please indicate your favorite. It's certainly possible that we'll use multiple suggestions, but we'd like to see your preferences. We'll also offer a prize for the most popular idea.
Which user suggestion would you most like to see included in the Annual 2010?
Black and White Dungeon (Style Pack)
Color Handdrawn Dungeon (Style Pack)
City Roofs and Frills (Symbol Pack)
Overland Hex Mapping (Style Pack)
Character Artist Additions (Symbol Pack)
None of the above (post your own suggestion) free polls
Please also see the thread on your favorite Annual issues.


  • edited March 2010
    I voted for Black and White Dungeon, preferably it would have a handdrawn look to it. If I could vote twice I'd add one for the colour Dungeon choice too. =)
  • edited March 2010
    I voted for none of the above.

    I am really new to CC3, CD3, and DD3, so I apologize if there is a way of doing what I outline below and I just have not discovered it yet.

    I would like to see a symbol set that provides overland symbols from a vertical point of view. I would like to make maps at scales between USGS 7.5' series (1:24,000) and 30' x 60' series (1:100,000)and there is not really a symbol set to support this, especially a way to quickly "sculpt"the landscape with contour lines, land cover, and building footprints. In the past I have run campaigns using actual topographic quads and it has allowed players to strategically interact with the environment and topography in much more detail (i.e. Using a ridge line for cover from 1000 yards and choosing where to set an ambush based on actual topography). I understand the allure of stylized maps for campaigns and enjoy making them, but when it comes to detailed route planning and battlefield strategy I prefer using maps drawn with purely vertical, non-obtuse point of view.
  • I agree with Rogdor. A BW dungeon style with handdrawn look will be really nice ;-)
  • bearclawbearclaw Traveler
    I voted Color dungeon hand-drawn styles. Sound good. though if I could have picked a second choice it would have been city roof and frills. I find I use CD3 the most.
  • While I'd like to see both the Character Artist and City Roofs & Frills packs, what I'm really looking for right now is things to dress up my city maps so that I can cut sections of them for use as battlemaps. Things like Ships, Carts, hedges, street lamps, etc
  • I vote for a Dwarven Forge symbol pack. So I can draw out my dungeons and then build them.

    Yes, I will repeat this each year, every year. :)
  • Posted By: kristof65... what I'm really looking for right now is things to dress up my city maps so that I can cut sections of them for use as battlemaps. Things like Ships, Carts, hedges, street lamps, etc
    Oooh. Yes please. I'm gonna go back and bout other just for this.
  • I voted for the B&W dungeon style. I agree that a hand drawn option would be a nice addition to it as well.
  • I would like to see some more exports for FT Pro. CC3 export would be nice as well.
  • I voted for the B&W dungeon style. However, what I would really like to see is a symbol set for ruined buildings and dungeons with crumbling walls/rubble.
  • gull2112gull2112 Newcomer
    I would like a way to import a pre-existing map as the map background for a new map. What I would like to do is to take a map from any "campaign" module, scan it into my computer as a jpeg and then import it into CC3. I am thinking about the Forgotten Realms 4E map for my purposes. It is left purposely vague so DM's can add their own details. I would like to scale up one region and then add details, for which I don't need to be able to access the basic map, I just want to be able to add features like minor towns and roads and other interesting bits that I throw in for my characters to find. I could even use the atlas function (sorry, I don't remember what it is really called) to have a point of the map which, when clicked on, brings up a greater detail map which has all sorts of juicy details that the main map left out.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited March 2010
    All this is already possible in CC3. As long as you don't need to change anything in the original map, just add to it, you can always import the file as an image, and draw on top of it. Use the Draw -> Insert File menu item to accomplish this. Just place the imported image on a sheet at the bottom of the order, and all you draw will turn up on top of it, allowing you to add detail, but obviously not remove or change anything from the imported map. The style is going to get different too, but there is no way to avoid that.
  • gull2112gull2112 Newcomer
    Thanks, I was thinking there must be a way to do it. Since we have the FR map style from the annual it doesn't even have to be different (unless I want it different).
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I think you can only import as bmp or png, not jpg.
  • I voted for the B & W style pack.
  • 7 days later
  • gull2112gull2112 Newcomer
    Can I import as tiff?
  • gull2112gull2112 Newcomer
    As per my comment above, I have been trying to do this and it doesn't seem to work. Where do Insert the file? Is there a specific file type? I have had no luck with tiff. I guess I need a more setp by step explanation, sorry.
  • use a bmp or png file.
    Use Draw- insert file - and scale your image to the preffered size :)
  • 7 days later
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Many thanks for your votes. This is the result of the poll.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    Awesome! Every once in awhile, I do manage to come up with a good idea. All the suggestions are good ones, though, and I wouldn't mind seeing those too at some point either.
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