New User, Old Map, Need Help

Hello everyone, first time here and a couple days with CC3. Have to admit so far I am pretty down about this, I have seen some of the amazing stuff that is generated, so I appreciate its value, but so far its been a steep curve trying not to be frustrated. Before I toss tissue paper around the room in a tantrum however, I thought I would post here to see if I can't get some help first. I specifically bought this software to bring one of my old maps into the modern age, going from a simple colours, borders and sea map to something that CC3 can provide. I managed to get my map into CC3 ok for the most part, but now I am having some issues I am wondering if I can please ask for help with.

A little background. The map represents a country sitting on a continent. The continent has never been specified outside of the borders of the country.

Here are the two issues I am having:

1. Now that my country is on a CC3 map, how can I go about increasing the size of the map canvas without distrubing my country so that I can add more of this continent while maintaining my land contours/rivers/borders etc?
2. How can I blow up a province of my country, so I can make it its own map with increased detail without losing the flow of the rivers, contours et al?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, sorry for the frustration.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    1. The map canvas in CC3 is practically unlimited in size. All you have to do is to erase or resize the entities on the MAP BORDER layer, and you've got more space to draw on. It is the entities on the MAP BORDER layer that prevents your drawing tools from proceeding outside it, and not the size of the canvas.

  • edited March 2010
    I'm pretty new at this myself seacar. I just started with Campaign Cartographer a little over a week ago.

    For increasing your canvas, as Monsen points out, you'll need to manipulate your Map's border. The map border had me confused at first and I'm not fully comfortable with it yet, but the Map Border Guide in the 2008 Annual (Annual Vol 2, Issue 23) has helped. I'm not sure if you've picked up the annuals, but I've found they've shaved a bit off of the learning curve for me.

    I also recommend Joe Sweeney's Overland tutorials on Youtube (also in Annual 2) if you haven't already followed them. They don't contain the answers to your particular questions, but as a newb to CC3 they've helped me tons in a general sense.
  • 7 days later
  • Thanks for the feedback chaps. I will fiddle with map border tonight and see. I am reluctant to spend more money on the Annuals at this point on something I can 't even work properlly yet.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited March 2010
    Don't worry, it colmes with practice. I thought I would never get it.

    Since then, I have made over 1,600 surface maps. And imported bmps and CC3ed five dungeon adventures.
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