Missing Fill and Castles Failure

Hey all,
While trying to make use of RS' Wizard Tower maps, I realized I had not yet acquired 'Castles'. This I rectified and installed it 'as normal'. Doing the 'IR' command on the map to see what else I was missing, revealed this:
Now, the dundjinni stuff, not worried about as I'll substitute that if possible. But the other point is this: no \tiles\castles etc exists in my @bitmap folder. I've reinstalled, done update 28 again and again. A search of C and D drives yields nothing. Also, I cannot find 'cobble final' anywhere. I did find other 'cobbles' used in the artwork and I easily installed them.
Advice please?
Don’t worry about Cobble Final. It shows as missing on mine, too. Remy said something about how that shows up and is a weird legacy fill, or something like that.
The Beaumaris Castle fills are from CA 2019 (volume 13). Did you get that one?
Thanks indeed, RS
Yes, that's the prob....I have just gotten and downloaded it but that specific file is not in my @bitmaps folder.
Wonder if it would work if someone upload a copy to me here?
Can't remember
I have the Shessar art now, so just down to that Castle folder
Whoa whoa whoa wait
It's NOT from the Castles Source Maps addon?
I don't think I have vol 13...checking
Is my face red.
PS: well, I was misled because that specific castle is listed in the Content of that source map! LOL
I think it’s the only annuals that uses the Castles subdirectories.
The dundjinni stuff is just a single flag. It shows up multiple times because I was trying out different ones, but I only used one.
What about moat? Also Vol 13?
Hope not.
PS: on the dudjinni---I've used it before, just don't feel like adding it in, this time.
You know, sure would be cool if CC3+ or Profantasy had their own discord. A great deal of these issues could be easily discussed and dealt with.
Moat is a water fill from Vol 13 but you could substitute any water fill you want.
I tend to do a lot of experimenting with different symbols and fills, and then forget which ones I used, so the map may show them as used when in fact they never were. I think the Moat fill may be one. I don't think it's actually used in the map. Is there a command to purge unused symbols/fills from that? Is that what the "Purge" button in Symbols Manager is for?
Good question. Never used it...
@Royal Scribe Yes. But use it when you are certain the map is finished.