Live Mapping: Cosmographer Satellite

In this week's Live Mapping, and inspired by last week's Birdseye Continental style, Ralf will be tackling another texture-based style with Satellite Overland from Cosmographer 3.
Come along and join in the chat on Youtube here:
Or watch it on the forum here*
*This thread isn't monitored during the show, but is a place where you can continue the discussion afterwards if you want.
What are the difference between the CC3 Overland Satellite and the Cosmographer Overland Satellite?
I'm not sure. Maybe we should ask Ralf tomorrow.
I can't believe I'm going to have to remake my continent of Estonisch again?!?
Love it
Just noticed that because of the Daylight Savings change over last weekend in the U.S., the Live will be an hour later for me. I have another meeting immediately after it will end, so if I go silent in the chat, it's because I had to duck out to prepare for that meeting.
Ok Royal. No worries :)
30 minutes....
Was it ever discovered the difference between these two satellite styles?
Oops! I'm sorry - I forgot to ask during the show. It appears there are two quite similar styles. One is the Cosmographer style Ralf demonstrated today, and the other is the overland style "Climate Textures" that involves FT as well as CC.
They're just very similar in appearance in CC3.
Actually, this is the one I was looking at:
I think the fills are a bit different from playing around with both.
Yeah, that’s the one I thought it was until Ralf started a new map under Cosmographer instead of Overland.
Thanks for watching everybody. Here's the map I created during the livestream.
Thanks Ralf :)
Didn't catch the live stream. It looks pretty awesome.