Ideas and Wishes for Monthly Dungeon Symbols

Hi folks! I'm looking for some ideas for Mike's monthly symbol sets, specifically for dungeon/floorplan/battle maps. Anything you're missing and would love to see added?
Hi folks! I'm looking for some ideas for Mike's monthly symbol sets, specifically for dungeon/floorplan/battle maps. Anything you're missing and would love to see added?
Taking a quick look at SS4, there does not seem to be anything for ice or snow. You can use VC, but that is it.
Next, the symbols all see very 'western' in style. Perhaps adding some interior items that reflect Middle Easter or East Asia would be nice. It certain fits with some of the overland city styles.
I suppose items suitable for something more modern like Call of Cthulhu could be helpful
I am so glad you asked, because you know I've been keeping lists! You can check out some of my ideas in this thread, but here's a recap of some highlights:
Building Construction
I think buildings are still a bit lacking in the cities. Specific oriental, Greco-Roman, African and Meso-American buildings would be a great addition to the collection.
As for the floorplan, battlemap, dungeon:
Library, Church (more variety of statues and idols).
Loose items: Weapons and armor, robes, staffs, bows, etc.
More decorative elements for gardens and squares, flowers
Casino and gambling items
Ruins and rubble
Graves, tombstones, ruined temples, shrines
Image patches with different ground textures like Sue did in forest trail
Roots and vines
Rope bridge
Tents and huts
Ruined stairs
More floor symbols, whether sacred or cursed (circular, triangular, loose runes, etc.).
Sleeping bag
Luxury furniture