New addition to Gallery

I have added a new building to my "Rooming houses / Tenements" Gallery.
This one is a batcher women's rooming house of type that was seen in Marvels "Agent Carter" season One. This suitable as a home for a character in any RPG set from the 1890s thru 1950 give or take. The actual building still exists as a care facility.
I tried to give it an inked and water colored vib.
I looked over it.
I don't undeerstand the second floor stairs on the left side. They look different than the others?
:( Sigh ! You check everything many times you still miss something. The "U" and "D" are swapped around.
Went to correct the FCW, it is correct. The second Floor left hand "D" goes down to the right hand "U" on the first floor.
Maybe I should clarify what I see. Every other set of stairs looks like a half set, except the left set on the second floor.
Sorry just from my construction days, my job was to find errors from prints to construction.
I think I see the problem.
There is a broken line in the middle of each landing on the 2nd and 3rd floors. To the right of the line the stairs are going up, on the left the stairs are going down. So in reality all of the stairs are half sets. The mistake is the 3rd floor left stairwell should not have a broken line on the landing as the stairs do not go up.
Does that clear it up?