Incredible Shrinking Windows !
I'm getting an error that causes my display window to shrink! If something happens to cause a refresh, it shrinks more! Help! 😲
I'm getting an error that causes my display window to shrink! If something happens to cause a refresh, it shrinks more! Help! 😲
That's really tiny!
Have you changed any Windows settings recently?
I've not seen that before.
I'm hoping Remy might know, but it's the wee small hours of the morning here in Europe, so it might be a while before he sees it.
What happens if you restart CC3?
If I restart, it allll goes back to normal, thankfully. I'm also having a problem where sometimes the window will go empty, and changing the view to 'zoom extents' doesn't do anything. It's very strange. Sometimes when that happens, if I hide all the sheets, then do a refresh, then unhide the sheets, it will come back, but sometimes it's just gone, and I have to do a restart. I'm reallly good at breaking things. 😝
That sounds like a complicated problem.
I recommend contacting Support.
But before you do that - is it just the one map this happens with, or is it any map?
Just this one. I copied all the elements from it and started a new map. I'm hoping that will resolve the isssue. Thank you for the sugggestions.
On another topic, Is there a way to stop the Large Export script from stitching everything together when it's done? I'm using these for a virtual tabletop, and many smaller files load more easily than one large one, so the tiles are very handy as they are.
Let's hope so.
Every now and then a map will become corrupted in some way, though I've never heard of a map causing problems with window size, or things vanishing.
Never seen anything like that shrinking before.
As for the Large Exports, you can just edit the script file found in the annual folder (@Annual\Issue 129 - Large Exports) with notepad or similar. Near the very bottom of the file, there is this line:
RUNAPP @Annual\Issue 129 - Large Exports\tile.cmd
This is the line that calls that windows batch file that does the stiching and deleting of the output files. Simply remove this line from the script, and that batch file will never be called.
(An alternative is to edit the batch file and remove the commands you don't want, but I find it better to edit the script file as you can then have one copy of the script file with this line and one without so you can easily use it both ways)
Thank you. I figured it was one of the last lines, but I wanted to be sure which one to edit.
Never seen anything like that shrinking before."
As I said, I'm *really good* at breaking things. 😉
One note though, remember to clean out the export folder manually after each export if you do this. The export script assumes that the TileExport folder is empty before each export.
As I said, I'm *really good* at breaking things. 😉
Are you one of my students?
Noted, and unfortunately, no. As far as I know, I am not one of your students. 😄
Join the club, Ithril. I went through a stage of seeming to break everything in unusual ways.
The best users are the ones that can reliably break software and are willing to report it and to document what they did so the developers can break it, too. Any user that is willing to take the time to report something that's not as they expect is way up there on my favorites list. I don't have much in the way of feelings about users who don't report anything because, well, I never hear from them.
Thank you for the report! Cc3 has any number of unexpected behaviors in the face of corrupted data structures and this sounds suspiciously like a misreported window extents issue.
Is there a crash report file? I had a few mysterious crashes last week.
Just curious if there is and we can email them in when it happens?
CC3+ doesn't make an explicit crash file, no. Sometimes a screen capture of the crash address (if it doesn't just silently die) can be helpful, though.