My version of Lankhmar
I was rather inspired by the map that was shown on the other thread about Lankhmar, so decided i would give it a go, but doing 1 floor only, and using Watabou cities revised. I haven't got the fills for the roof colours right yet, but at least I am getting the buildings done. I have added two different market-place geomorphs here, for the section done.
i will definitely be a LOT slower than the other version being mapped, but I am having fun, and it fits my vision of the map.
That looks pretty good. Now just imagine 4400 buildings to complete the whole city.
Did you use the old geomorphs, or create new versions?
This is obviously going to be slow going. But here is another block done. I will try to get a block done a day - see how I go - lol!!
I am using variants of the geomorphs that have been published. I have them as bitmap files and I insert them into the drawing as required.
For the main map, I am using this version:
Here is today's extension. Still not happy with the roof fills, or the street fills, but they will do till I get the city complete. Easy to change over the fills.
These are the geomorphs I have used so far
And progress overall:
And these are all the geomorphs I have - they do include all the ones for which there are FCW's, but I find it easier to trace over bitmaps.
Wow you only need like 18 more geo's and every open block will have a unique geo.
Today's effort - 2 more blocks, and outlined the sea, marsh and walls.
Total progress to date.
Today's work - added some of the docks.
Today's work = added a fair bit to the north, and revised the background.
Huge work 🤩
Wow! Guess you won't be doing much else for the rest of the year! That's flamin' huge!
Here is progress over the last 4 days – I took a full day off as I had to go to perth – a 9 hour return trip, and recovery thereafter. Still, significant progress, I think. And certainly more than 1 block a day, so ahead of schedule.
I have the original map somewhere, Quenten. If you finish this, it's going to be awesome.
I will definitely finish it, Dak.