[WIP] Fantasy World

JulianDracosJulianDracos Mapmaker
edited January 21 in Show and Tell

So I am trying to make a fantasy map for a game. However, I am trying to make the terrain as 'realistic' as possible. I started with Fractal Terrains and got a continent I liked. I copied that over to CC3+. I decided to make the continent close to the equator. I almost made it on the equator, but it turns out that would limit where the deserts are. Anyway, I have shrunk the world down to a circumference of 18,000 miles. I am making sure that the rain shadows fit with the direction of the wind since they differ depending on the latitude. To make things simple, I just assumed the winds switched around 30 degrees north rather than the 40 the world building guide says. (The topics are 23.5 degrees and that is around where the Sahara starts.) So the bottom part of the continent has winds out of the east blowing west along with monsoons. Then, the winds switch and that leads to a few rain shadow deserts. While I marked the arctic, it is actually just off the map. [The distance between lines is 200 miles]

With that said, does the following seem close enough to realistic terrain? Next, any suggestions for terrain types on all the brown areas left to fill in? (FYI, this is mostly for my own reference and not something I am trying to make look super awesome. Just so I know what is where.)

LoopysueRoyal ScribeRickoMonsenJuanpiKevinCalibreRyan Thomas


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