edited January 23 in Show and Tell

Master Quenten assigned me a new zone (the part I chose) to map in the same area as Fisher Island in the Fonlorn Archipelago. I try to adapt the style according to the first maps of this region, using the new Ancient Realms Revisited + elements from Mike Schley.

Work in progress on the first Overland.


LoopysueRoyal ScribeKevinCalibre


  • Please do not take this as me trying to be a grammar snob. I just want people maps to look awesome. Little errors can be real eyesores. So in saying that.

    Small little corrections needed.

    First map:

    Lord felrume should have a Capital F.

    Wreck of farsund. Should be a capital F.

    halibut's folly. H and F should be capitals.

    Second map:

    fountain Saquare. F should be capital.

    Here is a link to rules of "Capitalization".

    Capitalization Rules in English | Quick Guide & Examples

    P.S. Throw an outline on the text of the first map, or an outer glow. Text gets lost in the mountains.

  • I simply pointed out that they didn't look like capitals, which they don't.

    Do you need a hug?

  • Can Don Anderson please delete his last three comments?

  • Amidst its many dark pools and lakes and some small hills, the Saquare Floodplains stretch out into a living landscape, pulsing with the whisper of the wind and the distant roar of hidden beasts. At the heart of this dank land stands the Pillar of Ss’karn, a black obelisk jutting into the sky, covered in shimmering runes that glow faintly on nights with a full moon. To the lizardfolk, this monolith is sacred, a gift from their God, Ss’karn, who shaped the Wetlands and bestowed them upon their race. But the Pillar is also a seal, binding the spirit of the deity. Tampering with its harmony is dangerous, even for its devotees.

    The Wetlands are fraught with threats. Crocodiles slither in the deep waters, while venomous serpents hunt along the shores. Thick mists hide chasms of devouring mud, where many have disappeared without a trace.

    Within the seven clans, intrigue abounds. Conflicts over territory, hunting, and the right to conduct rituals at the Pillar are the most frequent events. The Sshar’tar, ruthless warriors, claim supremacy, while the peaceful Drak’zil seek to protect their traditions.

    The coastal city of Homer, made up mostly of humans, is both an ally and a threat. Trades occur between fishermen and lizardfolk—meat and grain from the marshes for manufactured goods—but the greed of Elias Brand, Homer’s current leader, threatens the balance. He and his minions of merchants want to exploit the lakes, an event that will surely cause great tensions in the future.

    As the tension grows, the whispers around the Pillar of Ss’karn grow louder. Something ancient and furious is about to awaken.

    QuentenRoyal ScribeLoopysueMonsenJuanpiseycyrus
  • The Cenotes of Maniserp

    This dusty, little-traveled stretch of road that cuts through the semi-desert region from Boldhome to Homer is lined with rock and sandstone formations shaped by wind and time. Only the most daring venture this cursed stretch, where the sweltering heat is relieved only by the fleeting sight of the cenotes – crystal-clear pools of pure water surrounded by trees with twisted roots, a treacherous promise of life amid death.

    But the waters of the cenotes have an owner, and its name is whispered in fear: Maniserp, the Elder Hydra. A multi-headed monster, its scales are a dull green and gleam like blades in the sunlight, and its eyes, glowing like embers, are the last sight of many an unsuspecting person. For generations, Maniserp has been the queen of the wetlands. Its insatiable hunger is a legend that local merchants know well, as caravans often disappear, leaving only trails of destruction and white bones along the roadside.

    The few who have survived an attack speak of its cave, hidden among the largest cenotes. A labyrinth of damp tunnels, where suffocating vapors emanate from the bowels of the earth and glowing lichens illuminate the sodden walls. The bones of its prey, human and animal, adorn the entrance like a macabre warning. Inside, the sound of dripping water is interrupted only by the roars of Maniserp echoing through the depths.

    The residents of Homer and Boldhome tell stories of mercenaries who have tried to defeat it through time. None have returned. The blades of their swords rust in the silent lakes, a mute testament to Maniserp’s invincibility.

    MonsenRoyal ScribeLoopysueJuanpiQuenten

  • A1 Battlemap - Hallibut's Tower

    Along the coast stands the remains of the infamous Hallibut's Tower. A mutilated structure, covered in colorful, slippery moss, its stones seem to echo the cries of the souls that perished there. This monument, conceived as a symbol of vanity and caprice, became the somber epitaph of an ambition that defied fate itself.

    Lady Hallibut, a woman of ethereal beauty and an empty soul, manipulated her husband, the wealthy Bezos, into building a seaside paradise. She suffered from a mysterious illness that made sunlight torture, and she demanded that the project be divided into two parts: a luxurious underground complex and a tower that would crown the site, where she could gaze at the horizon in the hours before dawn.

    In the first phase, Bezos spared no expense. The subterranean chambers were adorned with marble, fine tapestries, and gold ornaments, creating a sumptuous retreat for his wife. However, this extravagance quickly drained his fortune. By the time it was time to build the tower, funds had run out. To complete the project, Bezos made desperate decisions, cutting costs and ignoring safety recommendations.

    The tower, built in haste and using inferior materials, collapsed seven days after its completion during a violent storm. The collapse killed the entire Bezos family and buried their dreams along with them. It is said that the poisonous moss that grows on the ruins is formed by Lady Hallibut’s eternal tears, and that the winds that whistle through the stones curse those who dare explore the site.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeseycyrusMonsenQuentenJuanpi
  • edited January 22

    This example is simply to illustrate why CC3 users should consider using, at least minimally, a simple image editing program when they want to print their own maps.

    In this battlemap below, the touch-ups I used were minimal. I used only: Contrast, increased texture (clarity), and a little saturation in the green and purple colors.

    With just this, the image changes and becomes much more eye-catching for printing and use in a game session.

    Original Image exported from CC3.

    Retouched Image.

    Royal ScribeLoopysueQuentenMaidhc O CasainJuanpiDak
  • Bonehaven

    Bonehaven, once a peaceful haven for farmers amidst fertile hills, now lies like a gaping wound in the earth. The sun refuses to shine on the ruins, shrouded in a thick, cursed fog that blackens the air. It was under a blood moon that the city met its end, when the undead horde of the infamous Lord Felrule emerged like a putrid gale, heralded by unholy chants and the unbearable stench of decaying flesh.

    The night began peacefully, like so many others. But around midnight, the first wave of walking corpses broke through the perimeter. They did not scream, they did not roar; they simply advanced, driven by a dark purpose. Men, women, and children tried to resist, but their screams of terror were drowned out by the icy laughter of the Necromancer, whose skeletal silhouette watched over everything from a nearby hill.

    Those who fell did not find eternal rest. Each body left on the ground rose again, soulless eyes glowing with a ghostly blue light, their minds now trapped in the grip of Felrule’s spell. With hands once calloused from labor, the farmers of Bonehaven wielded instruments of death, swelling the ranks of the undead army.

    By dawn, Bonehaven was nothing but a husk of stone and ash, its fields covered in destruction. The river that once provided life for the village now ran with murky waters, infected with the essence of darkness. This once beautiful, now cursed place was but a piece in the macabre chessboard of the mighty Lord Felrule, who marches relentlessly, city after city, leaving nothing but despair and eternal servitude in his wake.

    Those who survive in the shadows whisper the name Bonehaven only in desperate prayers, fearing that the city’s fate will one day overtake them.

  • Masters @Monsen and @Quenten the series for this region is now complete and ready for upload to the Atlas.

    Thank you very much.

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