Project for a friends world.

My friend whom I've been playing tabletop games with for a decade or more has been running a 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign for us. We are about 3 years in. In appreciation I took his world map and made a Campaign Cartographer 3+ version. Can't recall where he created the original.

His world is just massive. 45 000 by about 4700. He tells me it's only a portion of the world.

Started the process by importing the file and then resizing the world to match the scale bar.

Next was copying all the continents and islands. A bit of a time consuming process, but I wanted to keep the vibe of his map. I didn't keep islands that were like only a pixel. The smallest island I put on the map is still bigger than some of the Hawaiin Islands. Like 62 Kilometers long. You can't see those on this screen capture.

I then did a bunch of biomes and did a few sheet effects to make it look closer to his. Still some more to do in those regards. Need to do some grasslands and water/rivers.

I then seperated the text into 4 groups, continents, countries, islands and seas then cities and mountains. Divided those into separate layers as well as the shadows in seperate layers. In case I wanted to modify stuff, like sheet effects, shadows or colours, as per his thoughts.

I think I am getting pretty close to his original. Add in some differing fields, forests, swamp mountains and water. Then it should be done. With some sheet effect tweaks.

Royal ScribeLoopysueKertis HendersonRickoWyvernMonsenCalibreDak


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