Can CAD files be imported?

I've been looking for an excuse to try out the Dracula Dossier annual, and Christina's latest All the Annual post has inspired me to look for public domain floorplans of "old" San Francisco buildings. I have an idea of an adventure where a great eldritch terror has been unleashed, and our intrepid adventurers have discovered records of an ancient tome that could help -- but the tome has been hidden in an "old" building.

(San Francisco does not have anything particularly old by European or even East Coast USA standards, given that we didn't even become a city until 1850. While some buildings are older, dating back to missionary days, quite a lot of those buildings and their records were lost in the Great Earthquake and Fire of 1906.)

Anyway, I have discovered that a few old buildings that are now available to rent as an event venue offer CAD files of their establishment. My plan is just to draw over a bitmap of the floorplan, but if CAD files can actually be imported into CC3+, that would change everything.


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