How can I make my grid overlay black on some backgrounds and white on others?

I've got different ground/floor layers, some are bright, like grass, others dark, like dungeon.

I've added a grid, and used the background and tracing to create a mask layer so that my grid only appears in the "rooms" of the dungeon. Very nice.

But then I've got a problem of visibility. I guess I could make the grid bright green over something, but I'd prefer not to.

To illustrate, here's a dark area:

And on that same map I've got a brighter area:

You can see the grid is hardly visible. A black colour doesn't really work, it's not very visible in the dungeon, hence the grey colour (visible without being intrusive). But the grey isn't practically invisible on the grass.

I tried a few different blend options, but none made it any better.

I'm trying to work out if I could use TWO mask layers on TWO different grid layers (one grey, one black), but masks are really "masks" in the normal image-processing sense. I'm sure there's a method to achieve this that I haven't thought of, so keen to hear ideas.


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