WIP - Talessa

Ahoy all! So I've posted asking for help here many times, but have never posted this particular map, which is made with the Fantasy Worlds style from the 2009 Annual (with some symbols from a different style and a couple custom-made ones as well).
Sidenote: thanks for all the help to all who ever responded to one of my threads over the years! XD
Anyway, it's only just recently that I felt this was good enough to finally "show off". It's for a whole big project that I've been working on for ages, with the intent to write (and hopefully someday publish) stories/novels in this setting.
(also just a quick note that I of course had to scale the image down quite a bit to be able to upload it here, so some of the text will be hard to read buuuut not much to be done about that really, haha).
EDIT: so I completely forgot just how big a difference in file size there can be between .png and .jpg. I've replaced the original image with a .jpg at much higher res. I also uploaded it to my Gallery after Monsen made me aware of the Gallery's existence!
It is still a WIP in that it's not truly "done" - there are still some areas where nothing is named, some empty areas I haven't decided what to do with in terms of settlements, and so forth. But I'm really happy with how it's looking now!
Still open to feedback though - I want to see what folks think of it but I also want to know if anyone sees anything that looks off. I've worked pretty hard to prevent that but you never know! There still could be some oddities or errors here and there.
A beautiful map :)
Good luck with the writing.
Thanks so much for the kind words!
And also, thanks, I'll need the luck, lol. Writing is haaaard work. I have managed to do a LOT of new world-building recently, and now I'm doing outlining and planning for the first couple of actual stories. Hoping I can do some ACTUAL writing soon!
Great looking map.
Do note that while the image size in posts are limited, you can upload much larger images in your gallery if you want to show off a high-res version.
Thank you!
And... huh. I'll be honest, I didn't even know we HAD "galleries" that we could just use to post images, haha. Never really noticed it!