Cartographer Annual Overland BW style--questions

Hello all.

I recently purchased CC3 and the Annual update that includes the Overland BW style.

I am having problems, however, using this style to draw rivers and roads. The rivers and roads I draw in this style look incomplete and half drawn. I've attached an image to show you what I mean.

I'm sure I am doing something fundamentally wrong, but what?

Help appreciated!


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    The roads and rivers are white lines with rather thin black outlines in this style. Depending on the zoom level, they will look this way because the black lines are so thin and the screen resolution can't display them adequately. This is not a problem, if...

    - you intend to print the map. The printer's resolution is much better than the screen, so that you'll see thin but continuous lines on the print.
    - you export the map at a high enough resolution to png or jpg format. Export significantly higher than your screen resolution, e.g. 2000x1600 pixel and set the anti-aliasing to 25-50%.

    If you want to use the map directly in CC3 onscreen, I'd recommend simply hiding the sheet WATERS/RIVERS. That way you'll only see the black outline as the river.

    If you generally think that the black outlines of the rivers are too thin, you can change the drawing tools setup. Right click the rivers drawing tool button, go to the Advanced options, and in "Properties" reduce the Width to 0.002 or even less.

    Hope that helps, Ralf
  • I think you were right, Ralf.

    I tried changing the resolution of the the export, diddled with the width...and voila! No more broken lines!

    Thank you so much.
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