Invisible entities outside of map on TEMPLATE layer

So I've been doing a major overhaul on my setting world map, which has involved scaling everything and resizing the drawing area multiple times. For this reason, I just deleted the "Screen" entirely and will create a new one of appropriate size once I am done with all this resizing.

Just a moment ago I moved everything in my map downward slightly, and then used Zoom to Extents and it zoomed out in a very odd way. As you can see in the image (that's the entire map area; everything except the background is hidden because the map itself is a giant WIP mess with lines everywhere at the moment, lol) , it's off-center vertically, as if there are entities below the map border.

I used "List" and selected a big area below the border, and caught 2 invisible entities. One is on the BACKGROUND sheet and the other on the MAP BORDER sheet, but they are both on the TEMPLATE layer:

Whatever these are, I don't remember ever adding anything to the map fitting these parameters; if they are a remnant of something I added to this map ages ago, they're certainly not important to keep around any more. So the only question would be if I am "safe" to delete them. I have a fuzzy recollection of the TEMPLATE layer being important for... something. I can't recall what it does or what it's for. Can I delete these 2 entities safely so that they won't throw off spacing with Zoom to Extents? Or are they "system" entities put there by CC3 and not by me and are somehow important? Thanks!


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Point entities on the TEMPLATE layer were once used to fix sheets that were otherwise empty. If they weren't there the sheet would vanish next time you opened the map.

    That's how it used to be, and quite a few of the older templates still have them in place.

    Things have significantly improved over the years, so you can safely delete those points now. Just hide everything but the TEMPLATE layer and box select them to delete.

  • What Sue said! (Beat me to it, Sue, as I was almost ready to post my own notes!)

    Plus, if you open one of the example maps from this CA28 style, you'll see there are seven such points on the TEMPLATE layer, so there'll probably be more lurking elsewhere on yours, probably behind what you've already drawn, in the area you didn't select.

  • CielCiel Traveler

    Fascinating! A solution to my minor issue AND a CC3 history lesson!

    This is why this place is the best. 😁

    Thanks Loopysue and Wyvern!

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Your welcome. It's not often I beat Wyvern to it, but I'm quite impressed with myself for doing it with only 2 fingers on an iPad virtual keyboard!

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