Change File path referencing

I had organised my files as


in profantasy is the fcw file and the resources folder contains other stuff that I have added ionto the fcw file.

Now of course I have restructured my HDD and moved the profantasy folder and everything within into a new folder so I now have


and of course everything stopped working because I assume I originally had the program set up to hard code the file path whereas I should have had absolute referencing.

Can I change from the former to the later easily.

I have Tome of Ultimate Mapping if that helps but I cant find the info.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited October 2024

    You can use the REPLACEIMAGENAMESDWG command line command to replace parts of a path to do exactly what you need. It will search and replace in all image paths in the drawing.

    Make sure that you are on the latest CC3+ update, older versions doesn't support lengthening the path.

    There's some instructions for using the command at the bottom of this blog. Just search the text for the command name to find it:

    (There is also a version that works with a folder of files: REPLACEIMAGENAMES, but experiment with the single file one first.)

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