a prototype under ground home for a dragon and some questions



  • the only cut-out that works is the Floors one. I have checked, double-checked and triple-checked that the Walls cut-out is on the right sheet [and it is] but despite one single solitary maybe success, i cannot draw cut-out on the Walls sheet

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Can you share the current FCW again please?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    Did you also apply the color key effect to that sheet?

    You can create cut-outs on as many sheets as you want, but there are a couple of things to check

    For each sheet with a cut-out:

    • There must be the color key effect on that sheet, and the color key effect must be the top effect in the list of effects for that sheet
    • There must be a polygon in the cut-out color on that sheet, and that polygon must appear on top of the things you wish to cut
    • And of course, the things to cut must also be on that sheet. Even if you set up the effect and poly correctly, it won't do any good if the entities to cut is on the wrong sheet. It only cuts things on the same sheet.
  • here's the .fcw Sue.

    Remy, I have made absolutely certain that the color key effect is at the top of any list and I'm on the correct sheet before i draw the poly. I am following Ralf's recent live stream about heights in dungeons but i can't even get the shapes to sink below the floor to the background - they either sit on top or vanish, and yes, I'm on the right sheet when drawing.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Thanks Helen :)

    This is just an analysis of what's there and what isn't on the WALLS sheet alone.

    There are 3 entities on the walls sheet. One is a spiral staircase symbol, and the other 2 are lines drawn with one of the Bogie's Mapping Collection tarmac fills. I don't have the BMC installed, so these are all red X entities on my PC.

    There is a Color Key on that sheet, but there are no pink polygons or lines, so nothing is being cut.

    Royal Scribe
  • edited October 7

    Grrr! i deleted those things this morning - or so I thought! The stairs are from Perspectives Bitmap A so i assumed that it would have gone straight onto Symbols. I'm not confident with Color Key to use Bogies line symbols - witness this conversation! - so why on earth would i have been nuts enough to leave the safety of CC3+ I have no idea! the two curved lines next to the red X were me trying to draw a wall.

  • It's always as well to remember to check the information lines on the CC3+ page when you have a symbol ready to place, to be sure which sheet and layer it'll be placed on. You can always change those before or after you place it, though if afterwards, remember to do so! I usually forget to check the layer, as this doesn't always change automatically with symbols...

    Also, when selecting anything, always keep an eye on the Command Line (lower left screen corner of the CC3+ window), just to make sure you haven't selected two things when you only wanted one. That's saved me any number of times, certainly.

  • i actually find it easier to place symbols and fills entirely manually, Wyvern, because I have to check! The few Bogies and CSAUC symbols in Bittern's Rest and other maps I've made public landed on the right sheet first time because I have had to make a sheet then place the symbol/fill. Daft, isn't it? Most of the Bittern's Rest is on self-made sheets because it was easier to control the effects as well.

  • just a quick question: is it possible to apply something like a Blur to two graduated transparancies that touch each other? I've tried Blur but nothing happened. Here's a zoomed in screenshot of what I'm meaning.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Blur should work if they are all on the same sheet, and you add a sufficiently large blur to that sheet. The default blur setting is probably too small.

  • I've tried Blurs of 7 or so and they are on the same sheet - Walls. I might have to move them to their own sheet in case I end up blurring the wall sheet.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Check that you have your blur set up to use map units rather than Percent of View Width, and yes - everything that is on that one sheet will be blurred, so it's better to have a separate sheet for the stuff you want blurred.

    Don't forget to move your blur effect to the new sheet.

  • I detest the two % units, so every map I've ever done has been map units - and that is going back 9 years!

    I tried doing what I'd thought of above and it was a complete disaster with the cut through getting in on the act with the result of turning the top of the map a blured magenta! 🤔

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    You would need to put the blur after the cutout.

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