Live Mapping: WW2 Area Maps

Hi everyone! :D
Since tomorrow is a good time for some relaxed overland mapping with a classic Annual style, Ralf will be creating a map using the World War 2 Area style from the Cartographer's Annual Vol 8 in this week's Live Mapping session on YouTube.
Come along and join in the live chat on Thursday 26 September. The exact time of the show for your part of the world is shown in the sidebar on the forum.
If you miss the show, or you just don't like YouTube, you can always watch it here:
Just found out that I have a work meeting that starts halfway through this tutorial. I'll pop into the Live in the beginning to say hi to everyone but will have to watch the rest later on.
30 minutes... :)
As promised, here is the map that I created during last night's session.
Thanks Ralf :D