Style Suggestions for Annuals

So, here is a starting list for ideas for annuals:

Steampunk airship

Train cars

Cyberpunk street level map

Cyberpunk interior map

1920’s interior horror house for use with Call of Cthulhu

Alien Worlds – (exotic/non-earth like plants, natural features, unique city symbols)

Mesoamerican overland

Mesoamerican dungeon, e.g. inside an Aztec temple

Ancient World Overland – have overland symbols for Greco-Roman cities, East Asian, etc.

Greco-Roman City – different building symbols to match the historical buildings along with unique buildings like bathhouses, temples, statues, etc.

Ancient Egyptian City map

Topographic Ocean map similar to the map Heinrich Berann created for Marie Tharp

Victorian Era embellishments/decorations for maps

Inked Cities (we have overland and dungeon, but no city)

Updated/Revised B&W overland

Expanded/Updated Herwin Wielink for more symbols

New symbols for Spectrum Overland and Darklands

Royal ScribeQuentenseycyrus


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