FT3 Views

Can you change the lighting/altitude scale in a view to tailor the view to show "local" topography in more detail, i.e. globally, lighting is -30k to +30k but locally it is 0 to +8k and you want say 200ft increments on the altitude coloring for the view.
I'm not sure if this will solve the problem, but if you go to the Intensity tab in the Lighting and Color settings (hit the World coloring tab) there are several different ways of adjusting the way the world looks. However, that won't affect the export to CC3. If you want to show such close contours you will need to edit one of the existing settings, or create a new one.
The views in ft are for projection, position, and scale. Adding a lighting setup at each level would indeed be useful for certain use cases, but it doesn't do that at the moment.
I always wanted a "knowledge" parameter where a culture has a center and some "well known" areas and the fidelity of the map data would degrade as a function of distance from those areas.
Thanks guys, I also tried a couple convoluted ways to do it. Reset the altitude in the FT3 file to a max of the max altitude in the view. Then either export the view as a CC3 file or a picture background for input into CC3. Then shift the altitude range back to the original. I also tried exporting the view as an MDR height file and importing into a new "world" and setting the height range, but the Loopysue's way is simpler.👍️
I was thinking of the names views feature rather than just the current view, silly me.
Another question: is it possible to export the height scale as bitmap file?
There is a Bump map view if you look in the Map menu.
Sorry, I didn't communicate well. I mean the altitude-color scale.
Do you mean an Altitude key?
I usually make my own once it's in CC3