change map border colour and thickness

I've got a near black border on my WIP map and I don't want it as thick and a much lighter colour. The map was created using CD3 and I can't change things. I made sure the Layer wasn't frozen but when I try to select just the edge I get 6 items selected - not 4. As I don't want to mess things up I abort things things there.
Can you share the FCW file, please?
sure, here it is:
I'm nearly done with the surface layer and am contemplating doing an underground map centred on the plague pits!
Thanks :)
The frame is a very long thin polygon bent around the outside of the map rather than a line. It's also filled with a texture, although it didn't look like it. What I've done is halve the width of the long thin polygon using the move node tool to bring the corners in from the outside, and replaced the fill with a solid colour you can change. I've put it on it's own layer (FRAME) and frozen the BACKGROUND and SCREEN so you can edit it in peace.
I've left the MAP BORDER layer unfrozen because if you decide to make the frame even narrower you will also have to move the green lines on the MAP BORDER layer to match the adjusted outer edge of the frame.
Hope this helps.
it does, Sue, very much. Thanks as ever for your help.
You're welcome :)
When adjusting it to taste remember to move the outer corners inwards rather than the inner corners outwards. That will preserve the area of the map within the frame.