Techniques for building a ramp?

I am trying to construct a ramp that goes from the FLOOR sheet to an elevated FLOOR 2 sheet. (The idea is that there would be stairs on one side of a raised platform and a ramp on the other.)

I searched for ramp symbols and found one in Asian Towns and another in Cosmographer, but neither will really work, Ideally, I'd like to learn a technique for creating them so that I can use a fill that matches the fill for the two connected floors. I've been futzing with different approaches like "Shaded Polygon (Angle by Edge)" and layering different sizes of the SOLID 10 transparency, but I'm still not happy with making it look connected to both the Floor and Floor 2.

I searched the Forum to see if anyone had described their approach or posted a tutorial, but couldn't find one. I have been studying the Bongrim Incline in Sue & Lorelei's City of Sanctuary but haven't quite figured it out yet. Maybe something like the approach in the Barrel Roof thread?

Thought I would ask here to see if anyone had thoughts on how to make a ramp or could point me to a written or video tutorial before continuing to muddle about on my own.

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